Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseObject

Uses of BaseObject in org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.workspace.models

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.workspace.models with parameters of type BaseObject
static void EditorFactory.getObjectEdit(BaseObject pObject)
          Call current object editing window If no current object call current model object editing window

Uses of BaseObject in org.devaki.nextobjects.util

Fields in org.devaki.nextobjects.util declared as BaseObject
          the object

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.util that return BaseObject
static BaseObject ModelMan.getCurrentObject()
          Return the first selected object
static BaseObject ModelMan.getDraggedObject()
          get the dragged object
static BaseObject ModelMan.getDropTargetObject()
          get the drop target object

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.util with parameters of type BaseObject
static void EditorFactory.getObjectEdit(BaseObject pObject)
          Call current object editing window If no current object call current model object editing window
static void ModelMan.addCurrentObject(BaseObject pCurrentObject)
          Define the current selected object
static void ModelMan.setCurrentObject(BaseObject pCurrentObject)
          Define the current selected object
static void ModelMan.setDraggedObject(BaseObject pDraggedObject)
          Define the current dragged object
static void ModelMan.setDropTargetObject(BaseObject pDropTargetObject)
          Define the current Drop Target Object
static void NOClipboard.pasteColumn(BaseObject object)
          Paste a field contained in the clipboard
 void NORedoLog.log(int pAction, BaseObject pTarget, int pX, int pY)
          Log all possible action coming from

Constructors in org.devaki.nextobjects.util with parameters of type BaseObject
NORedoLog.NORedoItem(int pAction, BaseObject pTarget, int pX, int pY)
          standard constructor

Uses of BaseObject in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models that return BaseObject
abstract  BaseObject[] BaseModel.getModelObjects()
          return the objects of the model
 BaseObject[] ConceptualModel.getModelObjects()
          Conveniency method wich return all the objects in the models in this models.
 BaseObject[] PhysicalModel.getModelObjects()
          Conveniency method wich return all the objects in the models

Uses of BaseObject in

Fields in declared as BaseObject
protected  BaseObject ObjectView.myObject
          the context objects

Methods in that return BaseObject
 BaseObject ObjectView.getBaseObject()
          Get the object represented by this view

Methods in with parameters of type BaseObject
 void ObjectView.setBaseObject(BaseObject pBaseObject)
          Set the object represented by this view

Constructors in with parameters of type BaseObject
ClassView(BaseObject pObject)
          Construct a new ObjectView object
LabelView(BaseObject pObject)
          construct a LabelView
LineView(BaseObject pObject)
          Create a new instance of LineView
ObjectView(BaseObject pObject)
          Construct a new 'ObjectView' object

Uses of BaseObject in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.objects

Subclasses of BaseObject in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.objects
 class Association
          This class describe an association
 class AssociationLink
          This class describe an association link
 class BaseClass
          Object of type "class"
 class BaseLine
          the class is responsible for drawing lines objects
 class Constraint
          A constraint
 class Entity
          The entities in the merise model
 class InheritanceLink
          the inheritance links
 class Label
          This class is responsible for having labels
 class ModelTitle
 class Table
          The class Table represent Table as they are in a database

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.objects that return BaseObject
 BaseObject BaseLine.getParentClass()
          Get the parent class
 BaseObject BaseLine.getChildClass()
          Get the child class

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.objects with parameters of type BaseObject
 void BaseLine.setChildClass(BaseObject pObject)
          set the child class
 void BaseLine.setParentClass(BaseObject pObject)
          set the parent class

Constructors in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.objects with parameters of type BaseObject
BaseObject(BaseObject pObject)
          Construct a (next)Object by copying another nextGraphicsObject

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