
Class Summary
AssociationLinkView This class is responsible for drawing an Association Link in the Merise formalism
AssociationView This class is responsible for drawing an Association in the Merise formalism
BaseModelView The base for all models
ClassView This class is responsible for drawing all classes-like objects
ConceptualView This class is responsible for drawing a ConceptualModel
ConstraintView Draw a Constraint in a PhysicalView of a PhysicalModel
EntityView The representation of an entity
InheritanceLinkView The line-arrow representing an inheritance link.
LabelView The labels view are like postits
LineView This class is responsible for drawing all line-like objects
ModelTitleView This class is responsible for drawing a "cartouche" around the graphic.
ObjectSelection This class represent a group of selectioned objects This could be a string or a list of objects
ObjectView This class is responsible of drawing an object
PhysicalView This class is responsible for drawing Physical Data Models
SelectionPoint SelectionPoint
TableView This class is responsible for drawing a Table in a Physical Data Model

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