Class Summary |
CDMVerifier |
DatabaseLoader |
This class is responsible for starting tghe right torque task against a
database,then parse and load the obtained project-schema.xml |
EditorFactory |
This class calls the properties et styles editors for each object |
JDBCTest |
Test the jdbc connection |
LogWriter |
LogWriter has the ability to forward the log4j output to a LogFrame class
Inspired by Thomas Weber from OpenAI, |
MeriseTransform |
The class responsible of all the CDM2PDM work. |
ModelMan |
the model manager this class manage all the objects,UIs around models |
NOBuildLogger |
Writes build events to a PrintStream.Currently, it
only writes which targets are being executed, and
any messages that get logged. |
NOClipboard |
Tha App Clipboard Based on simple examples found on www |
NODTDResolver |
A resolver to get the database.dtd file for the XML parser from the jar. |
NOErrorHandler |
Implementation of ErrorHandler interface |
NOFileFilter |
FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions
Extensions are of the type ".foo", which is typically found on Windows and
Unix boxes, but not on Macinthosh. |
NOFileManager |
This class is responsible for managing model's files |
NOFileUtil |
This class contains general usefull function for handling files |
NOGraphicsUtil |
This class contains usefull graphics functions |
NOImageTransform |
This class is responsible for drawing models to files. |
NOPreferences |
This class containts all properties load-dump plus some usefull functions |
NORecentFile |
Recent file list |
NORedoLog |
This class is in charge of most of the Undo/Redo stuff. |
NOTools |
This class containts all properties load-dump plus some usefull functions |
NOXMLFactory |
this class is responsible for devaki-nextobjects XML input this is for load
.cdm, .pdm, project.xml, ${project-schema}.xml |
NOXMLOutputer |
this class is responsible for devaki-nextobjects XML output
this class generate :
CDM , conceptuals models
PDM, physicals models
[TORQUE] XML, so called ${project}-schema.xml , suited to
the torque DTD, in that case there may not exist location and style
[MAVEN] XML, so called project.xml , in that case there
may not exist any database information
additionaly the DOM tree might be checked against a DTD (not implemented)
This class may cause problem as at time of writing the static instance can
make only one I/O at at time |
PDMVerifier |
Verify a Physical Model (Experimental) |
SwingWorker |
This is the 3rd version of SwingWorker (also known as
SwingWorker 3), an abstract class that you subclass to
perform GUI-related work in a dedicated thread. |
TorqueWrapper |
This class is responsible for starting torque-generator It also write
'${project}-schema.xml' it also write torque's additional might be passed to torque-gen throught