Uses of Class

Packages that use ObjectView

Uses of ObjectView in org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.workspace.models

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.workspace.models with parameters of type ObjectView
static void EditorFactory.getObjectStyle(ObjectView pObjectView)
          Get an object style window

Uses of ObjectView in org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.workspace.models.styles

Constructors in org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.workspace.models.styles with parameters of type ObjectView
ClassStyleEdit(ObjectView pObjectView)
          Contruct a new window editor for the style of a class-like object
LineStyleEdit(ObjectView pObjectView)
          Contruct a new window editor for the style of a line-like object

Uses of ObjectView in org.devaki.nextobjects.util

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.util with parameters of type ObjectView
static void EditorFactory.getObjectStyle(ObjectView pObjectView)
          Get an object style window

Uses of ObjectView in

Subclasses of ObjectView in
 class AssociationLinkView
          This class is responsible for drawing an Association Link in the Merise formalism
 class AssociationView
          This class is responsible for drawing an Association in the Merise formalism
 class ClassView
          This class is responsible for drawing all classes-like objects
 class ConstraintView
          Draw a Constraint in a PhysicalView of a PhysicalModel
 class EntityView
          The representation of an entity
 class InheritanceLinkView
          The line-arrow representing an inheritance link.
 class LabelView
          The labels view are like postits
 class LineView
          This class is responsible for drawing all line-like objects
 class ModelTitleView
          This class is responsible for drawing a "cartouche" around the graphic.
 class TableView
          This class is responsible for drawing a Table in a Physical Data Model

Methods in that return ObjectView
abstract  ObjectView[] BaseModelView.getVisibleObjectView()
          get the visible objects
 ObjectView[] ConceptualView.getVisibleObjectView()
          Calculate the visible objects
 ObjectView[] PhysicalView.getVisibleObjectView()
          Calculate the visibles objects

Uses of ObjectView in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.objects

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.objects that return ObjectView
 ObjectView Association.getObjectView()
          Get the AssociationView
 ObjectView AssociationLink.getObjectView()
          get the associationLinkView
abstract  ObjectView BaseClass.getObjectView()
          get the object view
abstract  ObjectView BaseLine.getObjectView()
          get the LineView
abstract  ObjectView BaseObject.getObjectView()
          Get the object view
 ObjectView Constraint.getObjectView()
          get the ConstraintView
 ObjectView Entity.getObjectView()
          Return the entity view
 ObjectView InheritanceLink.getObjectView()
          Get the InheritanceLinkView
 ObjectView Label.getObjectView()
          get the label view
 ObjectView ModelTitle.getObjectView()
          get the model title view
 ObjectView Table.getObjectView()
          Get the object view

Uses of ObjectView in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.styles

Fields in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.styles declared as ObjectView
protected  ObjectView ClassStyle.myObjectView
protected  ObjectView LineStyle.myObjectView

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.styles that return ObjectView
 ObjectView ClassStyle.getMyObjectView()
          Return the object view to which the style is applied
 ObjectView LineStyle.getMyObjectView()
          Return the object view to which the style is applied

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.styles with parameters of type ObjectView
 void ClassStyle.setMyObjectView(ObjectView pObjectView)
          Define the object view to which the style is applied
 void LineStyle.setMyObjectView(ObjectView pObjectView)
          Define the object view to which the style is applied

Constructors in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.styles with parameters of type ObjectView
ClassStyle(ObjectView pObjectView)
          Construct a new 'ClassStyle' object with default properties
ClassStyle(ObjectView pObjectView, java.awt.Color pBackgroundColor, java.awt.Color pBorderColor, boolean pTextAdjusted)
          Construct a new 'ClassStyle' object
LineStyle(ObjectView pObjectView)
          Construct a new 'LineStyle' object with default properties
LineStyle(ObjectView pObjectView, java.awt.Color pLineColor)
          Construct a new 'LineStyle' object

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