Uses of Class

Packages that use PhysicalModel

Uses of PhysicalModel in org.devaki.nextobjects.util

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.util that return PhysicalModel
static PhysicalModel MeriseTransform.cdm2pdm(ConceptualModel pConceptualModel)
          Generate a PDM from the current CDM *

Methods in org.devaki.nextobjects.util with parameters of type PhysicalModel
static void DatabaseLoader.loadDB(PhysicalModel pdm)
          Load the database
static void DatabaseLoader.loadProjectSchema( in, PhysicalModel pdm)
          Load a physical data model from a ${project}-schema document
static void DatabaseLoader.loadProjectSchema(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, PhysicalModel pdm)
          Load a physical data model from a ${project}-schema document
static void DatabaseLoader.fixIt(PhysicalModel pdm)
          Move the component so they are all visibles
static void ModelMan.newPhysicalDatamodel(PhysicalModel pDatabase)
          Create a new Physical Data Model
static Table ModelMan.addTable(PhysicalModel pDatabase, java.awt.Point p)
          Add a new table
static void ModelMan.addTable(PhysicalModel pDatabase, Table pTable)
          Function used by to create (using the popup menu) or paste a new table
static Constraint ModelMan.addConstraint(PhysicalModel pDatabase, Constraint pConstraint)
          Add a constraint
static void ModelMan.removeTable(PhysicalModel pDatabase, Table t)
          Remove a table from a database
static void NOXMLFactory.loadPdm(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, PhysicalModel pPDM)
          Load a PDM from an XML stream
static void NOXMLOutputer.writeModel(PhysicalModel pPDM, out)
          Save a PDM to an XML stream
static void PDMVerifier.verify(PhysicalModel pDatabase)
          Verify the current PDM
 void TorqueWrapper.genObjectModel(PhysicalModel db)
          Generate Object-Model
 void TorqueWrapper.genDTD(PhysicalModel db)
          Generate DTD
 void TorqueWrapper.jdbc2xml(PhysicalModel db)
          Generate XML from JDBC
 void TorqueWrapper.createDB(PhysicalModel db)
          Run create-db task
 void TorqueWrapper.insertSQL(PhysicalModel db)
          Run insert-sql task
 void TorqueWrapper.inheritColumns(PhysicalModel model)
          Inherits all columns move all the columns of a table to it's immediate parent
 void TorqueWrapper.genDoc(PhysicalModel pDatabase)
          Generate Documentation
 void TorqueWrapper.genOjb(PhysicalModel pDatabase)
          Generate OJB
 void TorqueWrapper.genSQL(PhysicalModel pDatabase)
          Generate SQL for the current model
 void TorqueWrapper.writeIdTableSchema(PhysicalModel pDatabase)
          Write the torque's id-table-schema
 void TorqueWrapper.runTask(PhysicalModel pDatabase, java.lang.String pTarget)
          Call to ant for the torque project
 void TorqueWrapper.makeBuildProperties(PhysicalModel pDatabase)
          create the file that is neccessary to run Torque
 void TorqueWrapper.writeXML(PhysicalModel pDatabase)
          Transform the model to XML

Uses of PhysicalModel in

Constructors in with parameters of type PhysicalModel
PhysicalView(PhysicalModel theDatabase)
          Construct a new PhysicalView object

Uses of PhysicalModel in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.objects

Constructors in org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.objects with parameters of type PhysicalModel
Constraint(PhysicalModel pModel, Table pPrtClass, java.util.List pLocalKeys, Table pChdClass, java.util.List pDistantKeys)
          Construct a new 'Constraint' object
Table(PhysicalModel pModel)
          Construct a new 'Table' object

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