View Javadoc

1   package org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.workspace.models;
2   /*
3    *  nextobjects Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Emmanuel Florent
4    *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
6    *  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
7    *  option) any later version.
8    *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will
9    *  be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
11   *  PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
12   *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
13   *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
14   *  Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
15   */
16  import java.util.Vector;
17  import java.awt.Dimension;
18  import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
19  import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
20  import java.awt.Insets;
21  import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
22  import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
23  import java.awt.event.FocusAdapter;
24  import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
25  import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
26  import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
27  import javax.swing.JDialog;
28  import javax.swing.JLabel;
29  import javax.swing.JPanel;
30  import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
31  import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
32  import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
33  import javax.swing.WindowConstants;
34  import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
35  import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
36  import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
37  import org.apache.maven.project.Build;
38  //import org.apache.maven.project.UnitTest;
39  import org.devaki.nextobjects.NextObjects;
40  import org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.components.CustomButton;
41  import org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.components.CustomComboBox;
42  import org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.components.CustomPasswordField;
43  import org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.components.CustomTextArea;
44  import org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.components.CustomTextField;
45  import org.devaki.nextobjects.util.NOPreferences;
46  import org.devaki.nextobjects.util.ModelMan;
47  import org.devaki.nextobjects.util.NOFileManager;
48  import org.devaki.nextobjects.util.JDBCTest;
49  import org.devaki.nextobjects.util.TorqueWrapper;
50  import org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.BaseModel;
51  import org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.Database;
52  import org.devaki.nextobjects.util.DatabaseLoader;
53  import org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.PhysicalModel;
54  /***
55   *  This class is the Main Window for editing project properties.
56   *
57   * @author     eflorent
58   * @created    December 27, 2003
59   * @todo implement unit tests
60   */
61  public class ModelEdit extends JDialog
62  {
63      /***  Local reference of the edited model */
64      private BaseModel fModel;
65      /***  jLabelName */
66      private JLabel jLabelName = new JLabel("Name");
67      /***  jLabelId */
68      private JLabel jLabelId = new JLabel("Id");
69      /***  jLabelGroupId */
70      private JLabel jLabelGroupId = new JLabel("Group Id");
71      /***  jLabelCurrentVersion */
72      private JLabel jLabelCurrentVersion = new JLabel("Ver.");
73      /***  jLabelShortDescription */
74      private JLabel jLabelShortDescription = new JLabel("Short description");
75      /***  jLabelDescription */
76      private JLabel jLabelDescription = new JLabel("Description");
77      /***  jLabelInceptionYear */
78      private JLabel jLabelInceptionYear = new JLabel("Inception Year");
79      /***  jLabelOrganizationName */
80      private JLabel jLabelOrganizationName = new JLabel("Organization Name");
81      /***  jLabelOrganizationUrl */
82      private JLabel jLabelOrganizationUrl = new JLabel("Organization URL");
83      /***  jLabelOrganizationLogo */
84      private JLabel jLabelOrganizationLogo = new JLabel("Organization Logo");
85      /***  jLabelProjectURL */
86      private JLabel jLabelProjectURL = new JLabel("Project URL");
87      /***  jLabelProjectLogo */
88      private JLabel jLabelProjectLogo = new JLabel("Project Logo");
89      /***  jLabelLocalDir */
90      private JLabel jLabelLocalDir = new JLabel("Local Directory");
91      /***  jLabelDbType */
92      private JLabel jLabelDbType = new JLabel("Type");
93      /***  jLabelModelHost */
94      private JLabel jLabelModelHost = new JLabel("Host");
95      /***  jLabelCreateDatabaseURL */
96      private JLabel jLabelCreateDatabaseURL = new JLabel("URL (Creation)");
97      /***  jLabelBuildDatabaseURL */
98      private JLabel jLabelBuildDatabaseURL = new JLabel("URL (Build)");
99      /***  jLabelSchema */
100     private JLabel jLabelSchema = new JLabel("Schema");
101     /***  jLabelModelDriver */
102     private JLabel jLabelModelDriver = new JLabel("Driver");
103     /***  jLabelUser */
104     private JLabel jLabelUser = new JLabel("Username");
105     /***  jLabelPassword */
106     private JLabel jLabelPassword = new JLabel("Password");
107     /***  jLabelDefaultIdMethod */
108     private JLabel jLabelDefaultIdMethod = new JLabel("ID Creation");
109     /*** */
110     private JLabel jLabelPackageName = new JLabel("Package Name");
111     /*** */
112     private JLabel jLabelBaseClass = new JLabel("Base Class");
113     /*** */
114     private JLabel jLabelBasePeer = new JLabel("Base Peer");
115     /*** */
116     private JLabel jLabelIssueTrackingUrl = new JLabel("Issue tracking URL");
117     /*** */
118     private JLabel jLabelAltProjectId = new JLabel("Alternate Project Id");
119     /*** */
120     private JLabel jLabelParentProject = new JLabel("Parent Project");
121     /*** */
122     private JLabel jLabelSiteAdress = new JLabel("Site adress");
123     /***  jLabelDistributionRepository */
124     private JLabel jLabelDistributionRepository =
125         new JLabel("Distribution repository");
126     /***  jLabelDistributionRepository */
127     private JLabel jLabelSiteDirectory = new JLabel("Site directory");
128     /***  jLabelRepositoryConnection */
129     private JLabel jLabelRepositoryConnection =
130         new JLabel("Repository Connection");
131     /***  l jLabelRepositoryUrl */
132     private JLabel jLabelRepositoryUrl = new JLabel("Repository URL");
133     /***  jLabelDefaultJavaNamingMethod */
134     private JLabel jLabelDefaultJavaNamingMethod =
135         new JLabel("Default java naming method");
136     /***  jLabelDefaultJavaType */
137     private JLabel jLabelDefaultJavaType = new JLabel("Java Type");
138     /***  jTextAreaConnectInfo */
139     private CustomTextArea jTextAreaConnectInfo =
140         new CustomTextArea("", "", true, false);
141     /***  jTextFieldName */
142     private CustomTextField jTextFieldName =
143         new CustomTextField("", "Name of the model", true);
144     /*** */
145     private CustomTextField jTextFieldId =
146         new CustomTextField(
147             "",
148             " The short name of the project. This value is used  "
149                 + "when naming jars and distribution files .",
150             true);
151     /***  jTextFieldGroupId */
152     private CustomTextField jTextFieldGroupId =
153         new CustomTextField(
154             "",
155             " The short name of the project group. This value is used to group "
156                 + "all jars for a project in one directory.",
157             true);
158     /***  jTextFieldCurrentVersion */
159     private CustomTextField jTextFieldCurrentVersion =
160         new CustomTextField(
161             "",
162             " The current version of the project. This value is used"
163                 + " when naming jars  and distribution files",
164             true);
165     /***  jTextAreaShortDescription */
166     private CustomTextArea jTextAreaShortDescription =
167         new CustomTextArea("", "Short description about the model", true, true);
168     /***  jTextAreaDescription */
169     private CustomTextArea jTextAreaDescription =
170         new CustomTextArea("", "Description about the model", true, true);
171     /***  jTextFieldInceptionYear */
172     private CustomTextField jTextFieldInceptionYear =
173         new CustomTextField(
174             "    ",
175             " The year of the project's inception specified  "
176                 + " with 4 digits. This value is used"
177                 + " when generating JavaDoc  copyright notices.",
178             true);
179     /***  jTextFieldOrganizationName */
180     private CustomTextField jTextFieldOrganizationName =
181         new CustomTextField("", " The full name of the organization.", true);
182     /***  jTextFieldOrganizationUrl */
183     private CustomTextField jTextFieldOrganizationUrl =
184         new CustomTextField(
185             "",
186             " The URL to the organization's home page.",
187             true);
188     /***  jTextFieldOrganizationLogo */
189     private CustomTextField jTextFieldOrganizationLogo =
190         new CustomTextField(
191             "",
192             "The URL to the organization's logo image. This can be an "
193                 + " URL relative or asbsolute",
194             true);
195     /***  jTextFieldProjectURL */
196     private CustomTextField jTextFieldProjectURL =
197         new CustomTextField("", "HTTP address of the project", true);
198     /*** */
199     private CustomTextField jTextFieldProjectLogo =
200         new CustomTextField("", "The URL of the project's logo", true);
201     /***  jTextFieldHost */
202     private CustomTextField jTextFieldHost =
203         new CustomTextField(
204             "",
205             "Hostname or IP address of your database server",
206             true);
207     /***  jTextFieldCreateDatabaseURL */
208     private CustomTextField jTextFieldCreateDatabaseURL =
209         new CustomTextField("", "URL to create and drop databases", true);
210     /***  jTextFieldBuildDatabaseURL */
211     private CustomTextField jTextFieldBuildDatabaseURL =
212         new CustomTextField("", "URL to access your database", true);
213     /***  jTextSchema */
214     private CustomTextField jTextSchema =
215         new CustomTextField("", "Schema in your SGDB", true);
216     /***  jTextFieldDriver */
217     private CustomTextField jTextFieldDriver =
218         new CustomTextField(
219             "",
220             "JDBC driver to use when connecting to your database",
221             true);
222     /***  jTextField */
223     private CustomTextField jTextFieldUser =
224         new CustomTextField(
225             "",
226             "Username that has sufficient privileges to create"
227                 + " and drop databases and tables",
228             true);
229     /*** */
230     private CustomPasswordField jTextFieldPassword =
231         new CustomPasswordField(
232             "",
233             "Administrative password for the supplied username",
234             true);
235     /*** */
236     private CustomTextField jTextFieldPackageName =
237         new CustomTextField(
238             "",
239             "The base package in which this database will generate the Object "
240                 + "Models associated with it",
241             true);
242     /*** */
243     private CustomTextField jTextFieldBaseClass =
244         new CustomTextField(
245             "",
246             "The base class to use when generating the Object Model",
247             true);
248     /*** */
249     private CustomTextField jTextFieldBasePeer =
250         new CustomTextField(
251             "",
252             "The base peer to use when generating the Object Model Peers"
253                 + "The base peer to use when generating the Object Model Peers."
254                 + " Unlike baseClass, basePeer should extend BasePeer at some"
255                 + " point in the  chain, i.e it needs to be the superclass.",
256             true);
257     /***  jTextField */
258     private CustomTextField jTextFieldAlternateProjectId =
259         new CustomTextField("", "  An alternate project ID", true);
260     /***  jTextField */
261     private CustomTextField jTextFieldParentProject =
262         new CustomTextField(
263             "",
264             "  The URL to the project's issue tracking system.",
265             true);
266     /***  jTextField */
267     private CustomTextField jTextFieldIssueTrackingUrl =
268         new CustomTextField(
269             "",
270             "  The URL to the project's issue tracking system.",
271             true);
272     /***  jTextField */
273     private CustomTextField jTextFieldSiteAdress =
274         new CustomTextField(
275             "",
276             "The hostname of the web server that hosts the project's web site."
277                 + "This is used when the web site is deployed.",
278             true);
279     /***  jTextField */
280     private CustomTextField jTextFieldSiteDirectory =
281         new CustomTextField(
282             "",
283             "The directory on the web server where the public web site for this"
284                 + " project resides. This is used when the web is deployed.",
285             true);
286     /***  jTextField */
287     private CustomTextField jTextFieldDistributionRepository =
288         new CustomTextField(
289             "",
290             "The directory on the web server where the final distributions"
291                 + " wil be published. This is used when the distributions"
292                 + " are deployed .",
293             true);
294     /***  jTextField */
295     private CustomTextField jTextFieldRepositoryConnection =
296         new CustomTextField(
297             "",
298             " For cvs, the format for pserver repositories should be: "
299                 + "scm:cvs:ext:user@host:/cvs/root:module-name",
300             true);
301     /***  jTextField */
302     private CustomTextField jTextFieldRepositoryUrl =
303         new CustomTextField(
304             "",
305             "The URL to the project's browsable CVS repository",
306             true);
307     /***  jTextField */
308     private CustomTextField jTextFieldLocalDir =
309         new CustomTextField("", "The local directory for this project", false);
310     /***  jTextField */
311     private CustomTextArea jTextAreaNotes =
312         new CustomTextArea("", "Notes about the model", true, true);
313     /***  jTextField */
314     private CustomButton jButtonEqual =
315         new CustomButton("=", "Automatic model code", true, true);
316     /***  jTextField */
317     private CustomButton jButtonLoad =
318         new CustomButton("Load project.xml", "", true, false);
319     /***  jTextField */
320     private CustomButton jButtonDump =
321         new CustomButton("Dump project.xml", "", true, false);
322     /***  jTextField */
323     private CustomButton jButtonOK = new CustomButton("OK", "", true, false);
324     /***  jTextField */
325     private CustomButton jButtonCancel =
326         new CustomButton("Cancel", "", true, false);
327     /***  jTextField */
328     private CustomButton jButtonTest =
329         new CustomButton(
330             "Test JDBC Connection",
331             "It use \"build database URL\" to test connect",
332             true,
333             false);
334     /***  jButtonImport */
335     private CustomButton jButtonImport =
336         new CustomButton(
337             "Import Schema",
338             "It use \"create database URL\" to import",
339             true,
340             false);
341     /***  jButtonImport */
342     private CustomButton jButtonCreateDB =
343         new CustomButton(
344             "Create DB",
345             "It use \"create database URL\"",
346             true,
347             false);
348     /***  jButtonImport */
349     private CustomButton jButtonInsertSQL =
350         new CustomButton(
351             "Insert SQL",
352             "It use \"build database URL\"",
353             true,
354             false);
355     /***  jButtonImport */
356     private CustomComboBox jComboBoxDbType;
357     /***  jButtonImport */
358     private CustomComboBox jComboBoxDefaultIdMethod;
359     /***  jButtonImport */
360     private CustomComboBox jComboBoxDefaultJavaNamingMethod;
361     /***  jButtonImport */
362     private CustomComboBox jComboBoxDefaultJavaType;
363     /***  jButtonImport */
364     private JCheckBox jCheckBoxHeavyIndexing = new JCheckBox("Heavy Indexing");
365     /***  jButtonImport */
366     private JTabbedPane jTabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(SwingConstants.TOP);
367     /***  jPanelGeneral */
368     private JPanel jPanelGeneral = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
369     /***  jPanelGeneral */
370     private JPanel jPanelGeneralProperties = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
371     /***  jPanelGeneral */
372     private JPanel jPanelGeneralInformations = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
373     /***  jPanelDatabase */
374     private JPanel jPanelDatabase = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
375     /***  jPanelDatabase */
376     private JPanel jPanelDatabaseJdbc = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
377     /***  jPanelDatabase */
378     private JPanel jPanelDatabaseSql = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
379     /***  jPanelObjectModel */
380     private JPanel jPanelObjectModel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
381     /***  j jPanelNote */
382     private JPanel jPanelNotes = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
383     /***  jPanelTeam */
384     private JPanel jPanelTeam = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
385     /*** */
386     private JPanel jPanelMaven = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
387     /*** */
388     private JPanel jPanelRep = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
389     /*** */
390     private JPanel jPanelDist = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
391     /*** */
392     private JPanel jPanelBuild = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
393     /*** */
394     private JPanel jPanelOtherMaven = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
395     /*** */
396     private JPanel jPanelProps = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
397     //editors
398     /***  The data dictionnary */
399     private DependencyEdit dependencyEdit = new DependencyEdit();
400     /***  The data dictionnary */
401     private DeveloperEdit developerEdit = new DeveloperEdit();
402     /***  The data dictionnary */
403     private LicenseEdit licenseEdit = new LicenseEdit();
404     /***  The data dictionnary */
405     private MailingListEdit mailingListEdit = new MailingListEdit();
406     /***  The data dictionnary */
407     private ContributorEdit contributorEdit = new ContributorEdit();
408     /***  The data dictionnary */
409     private BuildEdit buildEdit = new BuildEdit();
410     /***  The data dictionnary */
411     private ResourceEdit resourceEdit = new ResourceEdit();
412     /***  The data dictionnary */
413     private UnitTestEdit unitTestEdit = new UnitTestEdit();
414     /***  The data dictionnary */
415     private PropertyEdit propertyEdit = new PropertyEdit();
416     /***  Construct a new 'ModelEdit' object */
417     public ModelEdit()
418     {
419         super(NextObjects.getReference());
420         /***  Initialization * */
421         // Define the size of the window
422         this.setSize(new Dimension(550, 550));
423         // Center the window
424         this.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
425         // Specify that the window is modal
426         this.setModal(true);
427         // Specify that the window is not resizable
428         this.setResizable(false);
429         // Define what to do when closing this window using
430         this.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.HIDE_ON_CLOSE);
431         /***  Components * */
432         // PANELS
433         // Set a GridBagLayout for the content panel
434         this.getContentPane().setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
435         // Define a titled border for some panels
436         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.setBorder(
437             BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Properties"));
438         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.setBorder(
439             BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Informations"));
440         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.setBorder(
441             BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("JDBC"));
442         this.jPanelDatabaseSql.setBorder(
443             BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("SQL"));
444         // COMBO BOXES
445         this.jComboBoxDbType =
446             new CustomComboBox(
447                 NOPreferences.TORQUE_DB,
448                 -1,
449                 "Database type",
450                 true);
451         // Create an array of Strings and initialize the
452         // Default ID Method combo box
453         String[] temp1 = { "none", "idBrooker", "native" };
454         this.jComboBoxDefaultIdMethod =
455             new CustomComboBox(
456                 temp1,
457                 -1,
458                 "Using native which will use the Connection pool to determine "
459                     + "which database it is talking to (yes, it knows that) and"
460                     + " then use whatever native database methodology for"
461                     + " insert increments that it can. Otherwise, you should"
462                     + " use idbroker or none. none is good if you have a table"
463                     + " that is just a join table. idbroker is good if you want"
464                     + " a centralized repository for brokering out clumps of"
465                     + " id's in a database agnostic way.",
466                 true);
467         // Create an array of Strings and initialize
468         // the Default Java Naming Method combo box
469         String[] temp2 = { "nochange", "underscore", "javaname" };
470         this.jComboBoxDefaultJavaNamingMethod =
471             new CustomComboBox(
472                 temp2,
473                 -1,
474                 "     nochange   - indicates not change is performed. "
475                     + " underscore - Underscores are removed, First letter is"
476                     + " capitalized, first letter after an underscore "
477                     + " is capitalized, the rest of the letters are"
478                     + "              converted to lowercase."
479                     + "   javaname   - same as underscore, but no letters are "
480                     + "              converted to lowercase.",
481                 true);
482         // Create an array of Strings and initialize
483         // the Default Java Type combo box
484         String[] temp3 = { "object", "primitive" };
485         this.jComboBoxDefaultJavaType =
486             new CustomComboBox(
487                 temp3,
488                 -1,
489                 "Default type of columns in the database",
490                 true);
491         /***  Listeners * */
492         // FOCUS
493         this.jTextFieldName.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter()
494         {
495             public final void focusGained(final FocusEvent e)
496             {
497                 jTextFieldName.selectAll();
498             }
499         });
500         this.jTextFieldId.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter()
501         {
502             public final void focusGained(final FocusEvent e)
503             {
504                 jTextFieldId.selectAll();
505             }
506         });
507         // DOCUMENT
508         this
509             .jTextFieldName
510             .getDocument()
511             .addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener()
512         {
513             public final void changedUpdate(final DocumentEvent e)
514             {
515             }
516             public final void insertUpdate(final DocumentEvent e)
517             {
518                 enablingOKButton();
519             }
520             public final void removeUpdate(final DocumentEvent e)
521             {
522                 enablingOKButton();
523             }
524         });
525         this
526             .jTextFieldId
527             .getDocument()
528             .addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener()
529         {
530             public final void changedUpdate(final DocumentEvent e)
531             {
532             }
533             public final void insertUpdate(final DocumentEvent e)
534             {
535                 // Cancel insertion if user types the <SPACE> key
536                 try
537                 {
538                     if (e
539                         .getDocument()
540                         .getText(e.getOffset(), 1)
541                         .startsWith(" "))
542                     {
543                         e.getDocument().remove(e.getOffset(), 1);
544                     }
545                 }
546                 catch (BadLocationException exc)
547                 {
548                     //nothing to do;
549                 }
550                 enablingOKButton();
551             }
552             public final void removeUpdate(final DocumentEvent e)
553             {
554                 enablingOKButton();
555             }
556         });
557         // ACTION
558         this.jButtonEqual.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
559         {
560             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
561             {
562                 jTextFieldId.setText(
563                     jTextFieldName.getText().replace(' ', '_'));
564             }
565         });
566         // ACTION
567         this.jButtonTest.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
568         {
569             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
570             {
571                 saveData();
572                 new JDBCTest(fModel, jTextAreaConnectInfo);
573             }
574         });
575         this.jButtonImport.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
576         {
577             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
578             {
579                 closingWindow(true);
580                 DatabaseLoader.loadDB((PhysicalModel) fModel);
581             }
582         });
583         this.jButtonCreateDB.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
584         {
585             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
586             {
587                 saveData();
588 				TorqueWrapper tw= new TorqueWrapper();
589                 tw.createDB((PhysicalModel) fModel);
590                 tw=null;
591             }
592         });
593         this.jButtonInsertSQL.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
594         {
595             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
596             {
597                 saveData();
598 				TorqueWrapper tw= new TorqueWrapper();
599                 tw.insertSQL((PhysicalModel) fModel);
600                 tw=null;
601             }
602         });
603         this.jButtonOK.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
604         {
605             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
606             {
607                 closingWindow(true);
608             }
609         });
610         this.jButtonCancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
611         {
612             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
613             {
614                 closingWindow(false);
615             }
616         });
617         this.jButtonLoad.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
618         {
619             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
620             {
621                 closingWindow(true);
622                 NOFileManager.openModel();
623             }
624         });
625         this.jButtonDump.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
626         {
627             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
628             {
629                 NOFileManager.dumpProjectDotXml(ModelMan.getCurrentModel());
630             }
631         });
632         this.jComboBoxDbType.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
633         {
634             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
635             {
636                 if (!fModel
637                     .getDatabaseDriver()
638                     .equals(jComboBoxDbType.getSelectedItem().toString()))
639                 {
640                     jTextFieldDriver.setText(
641                         ((Database) NOPreferences
642                             .TORQUE_DB
643                             .elementAt(jComboBoxDbType.getSelectedIndex()))
644                             .getDriver());
645                     String url =
646                         "jdbc:"
647                             + ((Database) NOPreferences
648                                 .TORQUE_DB
649                                 .elementAt(jComboBoxDbType.getSelectedIndex()))
650                                 .getCode()
651                             + "://"
652                             + jTextFieldHost.getText()
653                             + "/"
654                             + jTextFieldId.getText();
655                     jTextFieldBuildDatabaseURL.setText(url);
656                 }
657                 // jTextFieldCreateDatabaseURL.setText(url);
658             }
659         });
660         //Assembling components
661         // 'jPanelGeneralProperties'
662         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
663             this.jLabelName,
664             new GridBagConstraints(
665                 0,
666                 0,
667                 1,
668                 1,
669                 0.0,
670                 0.0,
671                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
672                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
673                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
674                 0,
675                 0));
676         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
677             this.jTextFieldName,
678             new GridBagConstraints(
679                 1,
680                 0,
681                 1,
682                 1,
683                 1.0,
684                 0.0,
685                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
686                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
687                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
688                 0,
689                 0));
690         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
691             this.jLabelId,
692             new GridBagConstraints(
693                 2,
694                 0,
695                 1,
696                 1,
697                 0.0,
698                 0.0,
699                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
700                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
701                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
702                 0,
703                 0));
704         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
705             this.jButtonEqual,
706             new GridBagConstraints(
707                 3,
708                 0,
709                 1,
710                 1,
711                 0.0,
712                 0.0,
713                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
714                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
715                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 0),
716                 0,
717                 0));
718         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
719             this.jTextFieldId,
720             new GridBagConstraints(
721                 4,
722                 0,
723                 1,
724                 1,
725                 1.0,
726                 0.0,
727                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
728                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
729                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
730                 0,
731                 0));
732         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
733             this.jLabelGroupId,
734             new GridBagConstraints(
735                 0,
736                 1,
737                 1,
738                 1,
739                 0.0,
740                 0.0,
741                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
742                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
743                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
744                 0,
745                 0));
746         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
747             this.jTextFieldGroupId,
748             new GridBagConstraints(
749                 1,
750                 1,
751                 1,
752                 1,
753                 1.0,
754                 0.0,
755                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
756                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
757                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
758                 0,
759                 0));
760         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
761             this.jLabelCurrentVersion,
762             new GridBagConstraints(
763                 2,
764                 1,
765                 1,
766                 1,
767                 0.0,
768                 0.0,
769                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
770                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
771                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
772                 0,
773                 0));
774         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
775             this.jTextFieldCurrentVersion,
776             new GridBagConstraints(
777                 4,
778                 1,
779                 1,
780                 1,
781                 1.0,
782                 0.0,
783                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
784                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
785                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
786                 0,
787                 0));
788         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
789             this.jLabelShortDescription,
790             new GridBagConstraints(
791                 0,
792                 2,
793                 1,
794                 1,
795                 0.0,
796                 0.0,
797                 GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST,
798                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
799                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
800                 0,
801                 0));
802         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
803             new JScrollPane(this.jTextAreaShortDescription),
804             new GridBagConstraints(
805                 1,
806                 2,
807                 4,
808                 1,
809                 1.0,
810                 0.25,
811                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
812                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
813                 new Insets(5, 0, 5, 5),
814                 0,
815                 0));
816         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
817             this.jLabelDescription,
818             new GridBagConstraints(
819                 0,
820                 3,
821                 1,
822                 1,
823                 0.0,
824                 0.0,
825                 GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST,
826                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
827                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
828                 0,
829                 0));
830         this.jPanelGeneralProperties.add(
831             new JScrollPane(this.jTextAreaDescription),
832             new GridBagConstraints(
833                 1,
834                 3,
835                 4,
836                 1,
837                 1.0,
838                 1.0,
839                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
840                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
841                 new Insets(5, 0, 5, 5),
842                 0,
843                 0));
844         // 'jPanelGeneralInformations'
845         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
846             this.jLabelProjectURL,
847             new GridBagConstraints(
848                 0,
849                 0,
850                 2,
851                 1,
852                 0.0,
853                 0.0,
854                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
855                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
856                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
857                 0,
858                 0));
859         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
860             this.jTextFieldProjectURL,
861             new GridBagConstraints(
862                 1,
863                 0,
864                 3,
865                 1,
866                 1.0,
867                 0.0,
868                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
869                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
870                 new Insets(5, 0, 5, 5),
871                 0,
872                 0));
873         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
874             this.jLabelProjectLogo,
875             new GridBagConstraints(
876                 0,
877                 1,
878                 2,
879                 1,
880                 0.0,
881                 0.0,
882                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
883                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
884                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
885                 0,
886                 0));
887         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
888             this.jTextFieldProjectLogo,
889             new GridBagConstraints(
890                 1,
891                 1,
892                 3,
893                 1,
894                 1.0,
895                 0.0,
896                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
897                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
898                 new Insets(5, 0, 5, 5),
899                 0,
900                 0));
901         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
902             this.jLabelInceptionYear,
903             new GridBagConstraints(
904                 0,
905                 2,
906                 1,
907                 1,
908                 0.0,
909                 0.0,
910                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
911                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
912                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
913                 0,
914                 0));
915         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
916             this.jTextFieldInceptionYear,
917             new GridBagConstraints(
918                 1,
919                 2,
920                 1,
921                 1,
922                 0.05,
923                 0.0,
924                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
925                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
926                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
927                 0,
928                 0));
929         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
930             this.jLabelOrganizationName,
931             new GridBagConstraints(
932                 2,
933                 2,
934                 1,
935                 1,
936                 0.0,
937                 0.0,
938                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
939                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
940                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
941                 0,
942                 0));
943         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
944             this.jTextFieldOrganizationName,
945             new GridBagConstraints(
946                 3,
947                 2,
948                 1,
949                 1,
950                 1.0,
951                 0.0,
952                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
953                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
954                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
955                 0,
956                 0));
957         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
958             this.jLabelOrganizationUrl,
959             new GridBagConstraints(
960                 0,
961                 3,
962                 2,
963                 1,
964                 0.0,
965                 0.0,
966                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
967                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
968                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
969                 0,
970                 0));
971         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
972             this.jTextFieldOrganizationUrl,
973             new GridBagConstraints(
974                 1,
975                 3,
976                 3,
977                 1,
978                 1.0,
979                 0.0,
980                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
981                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
982                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
983                 0,
984                 0));
985         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
986             this.jLabelOrganizationLogo,
987             new GridBagConstraints(
988                 0,
989                 4,
990                 1,
991                 1,
992                 0.0,
993                 0.0,
994                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
995                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
996                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
997                 0,
998                 0));
999         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
1000             this.jTextFieldOrganizationLogo,
1001             new GridBagConstraints(
1002                 1,
1003                 4,
1004                 3,
1005                 1,
1006                 1.0,
1007                 0.0,
1008                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1009                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1010                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1011                 0,
1012                 0));
1013         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
1014             this.jLabelLocalDir,
1015             new GridBagConstraints(
1016                 0,
1017                 5,
1018                 1,
1019                 1,
1020                 0.0,
1021                 0.0,
1022                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1023                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1024                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1025                 0,
1026                 0));
1027         this.jPanelGeneralInformations.add(
1028             this.jTextFieldLocalDir,
1029             new GridBagConstraints(
1030                 1,
1031                 5,
1032                 3,
1033                 1,
1034                 1.0,
1035                 0.0,
1036                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1037                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1038                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1039                 0,
1040                 0));
1041         // 'jPanelGeneral'
1042         this.jPanelGeneral.add(
1043             this.jPanelGeneralProperties,
1044             new GridBagConstraints(
1045                 0,
1046                 0,
1047                 1,
1048                 1,
1049                 1.0,
1050                 1.0,
1051                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1052                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1053                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1054                 0,
1055                 0));
1056         this.jPanelGeneral.add(
1057             this.jPanelGeneralInformations,
1058             new GridBagConstraints(
1059                 0,
1060                 1,
1061                 1,
1062                 1,
1063                 1.0,
1064                 0.0,
1065                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1066                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1067                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1068                 0,
1069                 0));
1070         // 'jPanelDatabaseJDBC'
1071         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1072             this.jLabelDbType,
1073             new GridBagConstraints(
1074                 0,
1075                 0,
1076                 1,
1077                 1,
1078                 0.0,
1079                 0.0,
1080                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1081                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1082                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1083                 0,
1084                 0));
1085         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1086             this.jComboBoxDbType,
1087             new GridBagConstraints(
1088                 1,
1089                 0,
1090                 3,
1091                 1,
1092                 1.0,
1093                 0.0,
1094                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1095                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1096                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1097                 0,
1098                 0));
1099         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1100             this.jLabelModelHost,
1101             new GridBagConstraints(
1102                 0,
1103                 1,
1104                 1,
1105                 1,
1106                 0.0,
1107                 0.0,
1108                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1109                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1110                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1111                 0,
1112                 0));
1113         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1114             this.jTextFieldHost,
1115             new GridBagConstraints(
1116                 1,
1117                 1,
1118                 3,
1119                 1,
1120                 1.0,
1121                 0.0,
1122                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1123                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1124                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1125                 0,
1126                 0));
1127         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1128             this.jLabelModelDriver,
1129             new GridBagConstraints(
1130                 0,
1131                 2,
1132                 1,
1133                 1,
1134                 0.0,
1135                 0.0,
1136                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1137                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1138                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1139                 0,
1140                 0));
1141         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1142             this.jTextFieldDriver,
1143             new GridBagConstraints(
1144                 1,
1145                 2,
1146                 3,
1147                 1,
1148                 1.0,
1149                 0.0,
1150                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1151                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1152                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1153                 0,
1154                 0));
1155         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1156             this.jLabelCreateDatabaseURL,
1157             new GridBagConstraints(
1158                 0,
1159                 3,
1160                 1,
1161                 1,
1162                 0.0,
1163                 0.0,
1164                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1165                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1166                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1167                 0,
1168                 0));
1169         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1170             this.jTextFieldCreateDatabaseURL,
1171             new GridBagConstraints(
1172                 1,
1173                 3,
1174                 3,
1175                 1,
1176                 1.0,
1177                 0.0,
1178                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1179                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1180                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1181                 0,
1182                 0));
1183         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1184             this.jLabelBuildDatabaseURL,
1185             new GridBagConstraints(
1186                 0,
1187                 4,
1188                 1,
1189                 1,
1190                 0.0,
1191                 0.0,
1192                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1193                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1194                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1195                 0,
1196                 0));
1197         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1198             this.jTextFieldBuildDatabaseURL,
1199             new GridBagConstraints(
1200                 1,
1201                 4,
1202                 3,
1203                 1,
1204                 1.0,
1205                 0.0,
1206                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1207                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1208                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1209                 0,
1210                 0));
1211         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1212             this.jLabelSchema,
1213             new GridBagConstraints(
1214                 0,
1215                 5,
1216                 1,
1217                 1,
1218                 0.0,
1219                 0.0,
1220                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1221                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1222                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1223                 0,
1224                 0));
1225         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1226             this.jTextSchema,
1227             new GridBagConstraints(
1228                 1,
1229                 5,
1230                 3,
1231                 1,
1232                 1.0,
1233                 0.0,
1234                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1235                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1236                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1237                 0,
1238                 0));
1239         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1240             this.jLabelUser,
1241             new GridBagConstraints(
1242                 0,
1243                 6,
1244                 1,
1245                 1,
1246                 0.0,
1247                 0.0,
1248                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1249                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1250                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1251                 0,
1252                 0));
1253         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1254             this.jTextFieldUser,
1255             new GridBagConstraints(
1256                 1,
1257                 6,
1258                 1,
1259                 1,
1260                 1.0,
1261                 0.0,
1262                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1263                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1264                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1265                 0,
1266                 0));
1267         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1268             this.jLabelPassword,
1269             new GridBagConstraints(
1270                 2,
1271                 6,
1272                 1,
1273                 1,
1274                 0.0,
1275                 0.0,
1276                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1277                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1278                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1279                 0,
1280                 0));
1281         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1282             this.jTextFieldPassword,
1283             new GridBagConstraints(
1284                 3,
1285                 6,
1286                 1,
1287                 1,
1288                 1.0,
1289                 0.0,
1290                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1291                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1292                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1293                 0,
1294                 0));
1295         jTextAreaConnectInfo.setLineWrap(true);
1296         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1297             this.jTextAreaConnectInfo,
1298             new GridBagConstraints(
1299                 0,
1300                 7,
1301                 4,
1302                 1,
1303                 1.0,
1304                 1.0,
1305                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1306                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1307                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1308                 0,
1309                 0));
1310         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1311             this.jButtonTest,
1312             new GridBagConstraints(
1313                 0,
1314                 9,
1315                 2,
1316                 1,
1317                 1.0,
1318                 1.0,
1319                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1320                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1321                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1322                 0,
1323                 0));
1324         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1325             this.jButtonImport,
1326             new GridBagConstraints(
1327                 2,
1328                 9,
1329                 2,
1330                 1,
1331                 1.0,
1332                 1.0,
1333                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1334                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1335                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1336                 0,
1337                 0));
1338         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1339             this.jButtonCreateDB,
1340             new GridBagConstraints(
1341                 0,
1342                 10,
1343                 2,
1344                 1,
1345                 1.0,
1346                 1.0,
1347                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1348                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1349                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1350                 0,
1351                 0));
1352         this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc.add(
1353             this.jButtonInsertSQL,
1354             new GridBagConstraints(
1355                 2,
1356                 10,
1357                 2,
1358                 1,
1359                 1.0,
1360                 1.0,
1361                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1362                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1363                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1364                 0,
1365                 0));
1366         // 'jPanelDatabaseSql'
1367         this.jPanelDatabaseSql.add(
1368             this.jLabelDefaultIdMethod,
1369             new GridBagConstraints(
1370                 0,
1371                 0,
1372                 1,
1373                 1,
1374                 0.0,
1375                 0.0,
1376                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1377                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1378                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1379                 0,
1380                 0));
1381         this.jPanelDatabaseSql.add(
1382             this.jComboBoxDefaultIdMethod,
1383             new GridBagConstraints(
1384                 1,
1385                 0,
1386                 1,
1387                 1,
1388                 1.0,
1389                 0.0,
1390                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1391                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1392                 new Insets(5, 0, 5, 5),
1393                 0,
1394                 0));
1395         this.jPanelDatabaseSql.add(
1396             this.jCheckBoxHeavyIndexing,
1397             new GridBagConstraints(
1398                 2,
1399                 0,
1400                 1,
1401                 1,
1402                 0.0,
1403                 0.0,
1404                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1405                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1406                 new Insets(5, 0, 5, 5),
1407                 0,
1408                 0));
1409         // 'jPanelDatabase'
1410         this.jPanelDatabase.add(
1411             this.jPanelDatabaseJdbc,
1412             new GridBagConstraints(
1413                 0,
1414                 0,
1415                 1,
1416                 1,
1417                 1.0,
1418                 1.0,
1419                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1420                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1421                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1422                 0,
1423                 0));
1424         this.jPanelDatabase.add(
1425             this.jPanelDatabaseSql,
1426             new GridBagConstraints(
1427                 0,
1428                 1,
1429                 1,
1430                 1,
1431                 1.0,
1432                 0.0,
1433                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1434                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1435                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1436                 0,
1437                 0));
1438         // 'jPanelObjectModel'
1439         this.jPanelObjectModel.add(
1440             this.jLabelPackageName,
1441             new GridBagConstraints(
1442                 0,
1443                 0,
1444                 1,
1445                 1,
1446                 0.0,
1447                 0.0,
1448                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1449                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1450                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1451                 0,
1452                 0));
1453         this.jPanelObjectModel.add(
1454             this.jTextFieldPackageName,
1455             new GridBagConstraints(
1456                 1,
1457                 0,
1458                 1,
1459                 1,
1460                 1.0,
1461                 0.0,
1462                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1463                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1464                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1465                 0,
1466                 0));
1467         this.jPanelObjectModel.add(
1468             this.jLabelBaseClass,
1469             new GridBagConstraints(
1470                 0,
1471                 1,
1472                 1,
1473                 1,
1474                 0.0,
1475                 0.0,
1476                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1477                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1478                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1479                 0,
1480                 0));
1481         this.jPanelObjectModel.add(
1482             this.jTextFieldBaseClass,
1483             new GridBagConstraints(
1484                 1,
1485                 1,
1486                 1,
1487                 1,
1488                 1.0,
1489                 0.0,
1490                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1491                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1492                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1493                 0,
1494                 0));
1495         this.jPanelObjectModel.add(
1496             this.jLabelBasePeer,
1497             new GridBagConstraints(
1498                 0,
1499                 2,
1500                 1,
1501                 1,
1502                 0.0,
1503                 0.0,
1504                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1505                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1506                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1507                 0,
1508                 0));
1509         this.jPanelObjectModel.add(
1510             this.jTextFieldBasePeer,
1511             new GridBagConstraints(
1512                 1,
1513                 2,
1514                 1,
1515                 1,
1516                 1.0,
1517                 0.0,
1518                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1519                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1520                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1521                 0,
1522                 0));
1523         this.jPanelObjectModel.add(
1524             this.jLabelDefaultJavaType,
1525             new GridBagConstraints(
1526                 0,
1527                 3,
1528                 1,
1529                 1,
1530                 0.0,
1531                 0.0,
1532                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1533                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1534                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1535                 0,
1536                 0));
1537         this.jPanelObjectModel.add(
1538             this.jComboBoxDefaultJavaType,
1539             new GridBagConstraints(
1540                 1,
1541                 3,
1542                 1,
1543                 1,
1544                 1.0,
1545                 0.0,
1546                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1547                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1548                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1549                 0,
1550                 0));
1551         this.jPanelObjectModel.add(
1552             this.jLabelDefaultJavaNamingMethod,
1553             new GridBagConstraints(
1554                 0,
1555                 4,
1556                 1,
1557                 1,
1558                 0.0,
1559                 0.0,
1560                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1561                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1562                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1563                 0,
1564                 0));
1565         this.jPanelObjectModel.add(
1566             this.jComboBoxDefaultJavaNamingMethod,
1567             new GridBagConstraints(
1568                 1,
1569                 4,
1570                 1,
1571                 1,
1572                 1.0,
1573                 0.0,
1574                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1575                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1576                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1577                 0,
1578                 0));
1579         /*
1580          *  this.jPanelObjectModel.add(new JLabel(),
1581          *  new GridBagConstraints(0, 5, 2, 1, 1.0, 1.0,
1582          *  GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1583          *  GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1584          *  new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5), 0, 0));
1585          */
1586         this.jPanelObjectModel.add(
1587             dependencyEdit,
1588             new GridBagConstraints(
1589                 0,
1590                 5,
1591                 2,
1592                 1,
1593                 1.0,
1594                 1.0,
1595                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1596                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1597                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1598                 0,
1599                 0));
1600         // 'jPanelNotes'
1601         this.jPanelProps.add(
1602             propertyEdit,
1603             new GridBagConstraints(
1604                 0,
1605                 0,
1606                 1,
1607                 1,
1608                 1.0,
1609                 1.0,
1610                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1611                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1612                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1613                 0,
1614                 0));
1615         // 'jPanelNotes'
1616         this.jPanelNotes.add(
1617             new JScrollPane(this.jTextAreaNotes),
1618             new GridBagConstraints(
1619                 0,
1620                 0,
1621                 1,
1622                 1,
1623                 1.0,
1624                 1.0,
1625                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1626                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1627                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1628                 0,
1629                 0));
1630         //'jPanelTeam'
1631         this.jPanelTeam.add(
1632             developerEdit,
1633             new GridBagConstraints(
1634                 0,
1635                 0,
1636                 1,
1637                 1,
1638                 1.0,
1639                 1.0,
1640                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1641                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1642                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1643                 0,
1644                 0));
1645         this.jPanelTeam.add(
1646             contributorEdit,
1647             new GridBagConstraints(
1648                 0,
1649                 1,
1650                 1,
1651                 1,
1652                 1.0,
1653                 1.0,
1654                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1655                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1656                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1657                 0,
1658                 0));
1659         this.jPanelTeam.add(
1660             mailingListEdit,
1661             new GridBagConstraints(
1662                 0,
1663                 2,
1664                 1,
1665                 1,
1666                 1.0,
1667                 1.0,
1668                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1669                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1670                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1671                 0,
1672                 0));
1673         //'jPanelRep' inside jPanelMaven
1674         jPanelRep.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Repository"));
1675         this.jPanelRep.add(
1676             this.jLabelRepositoryConnection,
1677             new GridBagConstraints(
1678                 0,
1679                 0,
1680                 1,
1681                 1,
1682                 0.0,
1683                 0.0,
1684                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1685                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1686                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1687                 0,
1688                 0));
1689         this.jPanelRep.add(
1690             this.jTextFieldRepositoryConnection,
1691             new GridBagConstraints(
1692                 1,
1693                 0,
1694                 1,
1695                 1,
1696                 1.0,
1697                 0.0,
1698                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1699                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1700                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1701                 0,
1702                 0));
1703         this.jPanelRep.add(
1704             this.jLabelRepositoryUrl,
1705             new GridBagConstraints(
1706                 0,
1707                 1,
1708                 1,
1709                 1,
1710                 0.0,
1711                 0.0,
1712                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1713                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1714                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1715                 0,
1716                 0));
1717         this.jPanelRep.add(
1718             this.jTextFieldRepositoryUrl,
1719             new GridBagConstraints(
1720                 1,
1721                 1,
1722                 1,
1723                 1,
1724                 1.0,
1725                 0.0,
1726                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1727                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1728                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1729                 0,
1730                 0));
1731         //'jPanelDist' inside 'jPanelMaven'
1732         jPanelDist.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Distributions"));
1733         this.jPanelDist.add(
1734             this.jLabelSiteAdress,
1735             new GridBagConstraints(
1736                 0,
1737                 0,
1738                 1,
1739                 1,
1740                 0.0,
1741                 0.0,
1742                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1743                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1744                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1745                 0,
1746                 0));
1747         this.jPanelDist.add(
1748             this.jTextFieldSiteAdress,
1749             new GridBagConstraints(
1750                 1,
1751                 0,
1752                 1,
1753                 1,
1754                 1.0,
1755                 0.0,
1756                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1757                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1758                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1759                 0,
1760                 0));
1761         this.jPanelDist.add(
1762             this.jLabelDistributionRepository,
1763             new GridBagConstraints(
1764                 0,
1765                 1,
1766                 1,
1767                 1,
1768                 0.0,
1769                 0.0,
1770                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1771                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1772                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1773                 0,
1774                 0));
1775         this.jPanelDist.add(
1776             this.jTextFieldDistributionRepository,
1777             new GridBagConstraints(
1778                 1,
1779                 1,
1780                 1,
1781                 1,
1782                 1.0,
1783                 0.0,
1784                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1785                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1786                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1787                 0,
1788                 0));
1789         this.jPanelDist.add(
1790             this.jLabelSiteDirectory,
1791             new GridBagConstraints(
1792                 0,
1793                 2,
1794                 1,
1795                 1,
1796                 0.0,
1797                 0.0,
1798                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1799                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1800                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1801                 0,
1802                 0));
1803         this.jPanelDist.add(
1804             this.jTextFieldSiteDirectory,
1805             new GridBagConstraints(
1806                 1,
1807                 2,
1808                 1,
1809                 1,
1810                 1.0,
1811                 0.0,
1812                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1813                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1814                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1815                 0,
1816                 0));
1817         //'jPanelRep' inside jPanelMaven
1818         jPanelOtherMaven.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Others"));
1819         this.jPanelOtherMaven.add(
1820             this.jLabelIssueTrackingUrl,
1821             new GridBagConstraints(
1822                 0,
1823                 0,
1824                 1,
1825                 1,
1826                 0.0,
1827                 0.0,
1828                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1829                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1830                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1831                 0,
1832                 0));
1833         this.jPanelOtherMaven.add(
1834             this.jTextFieldIssueTrackingUrl,
1835             new GridBagConstraints(
1836                 1,
1837                 0,
1838                 1,
1839                 1,
1840                 1.0,
1841                 0.0,
1842                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1843                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1844                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1845                 0,
1846                 0));
1847         this.jPanelOtherMaven.add(
1848             this.jLabelAltProjectId,
1849             new GridBagConstraints(
1850                 0,
1851                 1,
1852                 1,
1853                 1,
1854                 0.0,
1855                 0.0,
1856                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1857                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1858                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1859                 0,
1860                 0));
1861         this.jPanelOtherMaven.add(
1862             this.jTextFieldAlternateProjectId,
1863             new GridBagConstraints(
1864                 1,
1865                 1,
1866                 1,
1867                 1,
1868                 1.0,
1869                 0.0,
1870                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1871                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1872                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1873                 0,
1874                 0));
1875         this.jPanelOtherMaven.add(
1876             this.jLabelParentProject,
1877             new GridBagConstraints(
1878                 0,
1879                 2,
1880                 1,
1881                 1,
1882                 0.0,
1883                 0.0,
1884                 GridBagConstraints.WEST,
1885                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
1886                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
1887                 0,
1888                 0));
1889         this.jPanelOtherMaven.add(
1890             this.jTextFieldParentProject,
1891             new GridBagConstraints(
1892                 1,
1893                 2,
1894                 1,
1895                 1,
1896                 1.0,
1897                 0.0,
1898                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1899                 GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
1900                 new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5),
1901                 0,
1902                 0));
1903         //'jPanelMaven'
1904         /*
1905          *  this.jPanelMaven.add(new  MailingListEdit(),
1906          *  new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0,
1907          *  GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1908          *  GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1909          *  new Insets(5, 0, 0, 5), 0, 0));
1910          */
1911         this.jPanelMaven.add(
1912             licenseEdit,
1913             new GridBagConstraints(
1914                 0,
1915                 1,
1916                 1,
1917                 1,
1918                 1.0,
1919                 1.0,
1920                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1921                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1922                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1923                 0,
1924                 0));
1925         this.jPanelMaven.add(
1926             this.jPanelRep,
1927             new GridBagConstraints(
1928                 0,
1929                 2,
1930                 1,
1931                 1,
1932                 1.0,
1933                 0.0,
1934                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1935                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1936                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1937                 0,
1938                 0));
1939         this.jPanelMaven.add(
1940             this.jPanelDist,
1941             new GridBagConstraints(
1942                 0,
1943                 3,
1944                 1,
1945                 1,
1946                 1.0,
1947                 0.0,
1948                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1949                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1950                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1951                 0,
1952                 0));
1953         this.jPanelMaven.add(
1954             this.jPanelOtherMaven,
1955             new GridBagConstraints(
1956                 0,
1957                 4,
1958                 1,
1959                 1,
1960                 1.0,
1961                 0.0,
1962                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1963                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1964                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1965                 0,
1966                 0));
1967         //'jPanelBuild'
1968         this.jPanelBuild.add(
1969             resourceEdit,
1970             new GridBagConstraints(
1971                 0,
1972                 0,
1973                 1,
1974                 1,
1975                 1.0,
1976                 1.0,
1977                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1978                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1979                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1980                 0,
1981                 0));
1982         this.jPanelBuild.add(
1983             buildEdit,
1984             new GridBagConstraints(
1985                 0,
1986                 1,
1987                 1,
1988                 1,
1989                 1.0,
1990                 0.2,
1991                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
1992                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
1993                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
1994                 0,
1995                 0));
1996         this.jPanelBuild.add(
1997             unitTestEdit,
1998             new GridBagConstraints(
1999                 0,
2000                 2,
2001                 1,
2002                 1,
2003                 1.0,
2004                 0.2,
2005                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
2006                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
2007                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
2008                 0,
2009                 0));
2010         // 'jTabbedPane'
2011         this.jTabbedPane.add(this.jPanelGeneral, "General");
2012         this.jTabbedPane.add(this.jPanelDatabase, "Database");
2013         this.jTabbedPane.add(this.jPanelObjectModel, "OM");
2014         this.jTabbedPane.add(this.jPanelTeam, "Team");
2015         this.jTabbedPane.add(this.jPanelBuild, "Build");
2016         this.jTabbedPane.add(this.jPanelMaven, "Maven");
2017         this.jTabbedPane.add(this.jPanelProps, "Properties");
2018         this.jTabbedPane.add(this.jPanelNotes, "Notes");
2019         // Content Panel
2020         this.getContentPane().add(
2021             this.jTabbedPane,
2022             new GridBagConstraints(
2023                 0,
2024                 0,
2025                 4,
2026                 1,
2027                 1.0,
2028                 1.0,
2029                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
2030                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
2031                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
2032                 0,
2033                 0));
2034         this.getContentPane().add(
2035             this.jButtonLoad,
2036             new GridBagConstraints(
2037                 0,
2038                 1,
2039                 1,
2040                 1,
2041                 0.0,
2042                 0.0,
2043                 GridBagConstraints.EAST,
2044                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
2045                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
2046                 0,
2047                 0));
2048         this.getContentPane().add(
2049             this.jButtonDump,
2050             new GridBagConstraints(
2051                 1,
2052                 1,
2053                 1,
2054                 1,
2055                 0.0,
2056                 0.0,
2057                 GridBagConstraints.EAST,
2058                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
2059                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
2060                 0,
2061                 0));
2062         this.getContentPane().add(
2063             this.jButtonOK,
2064             new GridBagConstraints(
2065                 2,
2066                 1,
2067                 1,
2068                 1,
2069                 1.0,
2070                 0.0,
2071                 GridBagConstraints.EAST,
2072                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
2073                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
2074                 0,
2075                 0));
2076         this.getContentPane().add(
2077             this.jButtonCancel,
2078             new GridBagConstraints(
2079                 3,
2080                 1,
2081                 1,
2082                 1,
2083                 0.0,
2084                 0.0,
2085                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
2086                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
2087                 new Insets(5, 0, 5, 5),
2088                 0,
2089                 0));
2090     }
2091     // End of 'ModelEdit()'
2092     /***
2093      *  What to do before closing the window
2094      *
2095      * @param  isOK  save the model
2096      */
2097     public final void closingWindow(final boolean isOK)
2098     {
2099         // Save data if this method follows an action on 'jButtonOK'
2100         if (isOK)
2101         {
2102             this.saveData();
2103         }
2104         this.dispose();
2105     }
2106     /***  Enable or disable the 'OK' button */
2107     public final void enablingOKButton()
2108     {
2109         if ((this.jTextFieldName.getText().length() != 0)
2110             && (this.jTextFieldId.getText().length() != 0))
2111         {
2112             this.jButtonOK.setEnabled(true);
2113         }
2114         else
2115         {
2116             this.jButtonOK.setEnabled(false);
2117         }
2118     }
2119     /***
2120      *  Get the informations
2121      *
2122      * @param  pModel  the model to get
2123      */
2124     public final void setData(final BaseModel pModel)
2125     {
2126         // Define title of the window
2127         this.setTitle(
2128             new StringBuffer()
2129                 .append("Properties of '")
2130                 .append(pModel.getName())
2131                 .append("' - devaki-nextobjects")
2132                 .toString());
2133         // Initialize the local reference
2134         this.fModel = pModel;
2135         this.jComboBoxDbType.setSelectedIndex(this.fModel.getDbType());
2136         // Fill general properties panel
2137         this.jTextFieldName.setText(this.fModel.getName());
2138         this.jTextFieldId.setText(this.fModel.getId());
2139         this.jTextFieldGroupId.setText(this.fModel.getGroupId());
2140         this.jTextFieldCurrentVersion.setText(this.fModel.getCurrentVersion());
2141         this.jTextAreaShortDescription.setText(
2142             this.fModel.getShortDescription());
2143         this.jTextAreaDescription.setText(this.fModel.getDescription());
2144         //Fill general information panel
2145         this.jTextFieldProjectURL.setText(this.fModel.getProjectURL());
2146         this.jTextFieldProjectLogo.setText(this.fModel.getLogo());
2147         this.jTextFieldInceptionYear.setText(this.fModel.getInceptionYear());
2148         this.jTextFieldOrganizationName.setText(
2149             this.fModel.getOrganizationName());
2150         this.jTextFieldOrganizationUrl.setText(
2151             this.fModel.getOrganizationUrl());
2152         this.jTextFieldOrganizationLogo.setText(
2153             this.fModel.getOrganizationLogo());
2154         this.jTextFieldLocalDir.setText(this.fModel.getLocalDirectory());
2155         //database panel
2156         this.jTextFieldHost.setText(this.fModel.getDatabaseHost());
2157         this.jTextFieldDriver.setText(this.fModel.getDatabaseDriver());
2158         this.jTextFieldCreateDatabaseURL.setText(
2159             this.fModel.getCreateDatabaseUrl());
2160         this.jTextFieldBuildDatabaseURL.setText(
2161             this.fModel.getBuildDatabaseUrl());
2162         this.jTextSchema.setText(this.fModel.getSchema());
2163         this.jTextFieldUser.setText(this.fModel.getDatabaseUser());
2164         this.jTextFieldPassword.setText(this.fModel.getDatabasePassword());
2165         this.jComboBoxDefaultIdMethod.setSelectedItem(
2166             this.fModel.getDefaultIdMethod());
2167         this.jCheckBoxHeavyIndexing.setSelected(this.fModel.getHeavyIndexing());
2168         //OM Panel
2169         this.jTextFieldPackageName.setText(this.fModel.getPackageName());
2170         this.jTextFieldBaseClass.setText(this.fModel.getBaseClass());
2171         this.jTextFieldBasePeer.setText(this.fModel.getBasePeer());
2172         this.jComboBoxDefaultJavaNamingMethod.setSelectedItem(
2173             this.fModel.getDefaultJavaNamingMethod());
2174         this.jComboBoxDefaultJavaType.setSelectedItem(
2175             this.fModel.getDefaultJavaType());
2176         this.dependencyEdit.getModel().setDependencies(
2177             this.fModel.getDependencies());
2178         this.licenseEdit.getModel().setLicenses(this.fModel.getLicenses());
2179         //jPanel Developrs
2180         this.developerEdit.getModel().setDevelopers(
2181             this.fModel.getDevelopers());
2182         this.contributorEdit.getModel().setContributors(
2183             this.fModel.getContributors());
2184         this.mailingListEdit.getModel().setMailingLists(
2185             this.fModel.getMailingLists());
2186         //jPanel Build
2187         Vector dummyVector = new Vector(1);
2188         dummyVector.addElement(this.fModel.getBuild());
2189         this.buildEdit.getModel().setBuild(dummyVector);
2190         this.resourceEdit.getModel().setResources(
2191             new Vector(this.fModel.getBuild().getResources()));
2192         this.unitTestEdit.getModel().setUnitTests(
2193             new Vector(this.fModel.getBuild().getUnitTest().getResources()));
2194         //jPanelProperty
2195         this.propertyEdit.getModel().setProperties(this.fModel.getProperties());
2196         //'jPanelMaven"'
2197         this.jTextFieldRepositoryConnection.setText(
2198             this.fModel.getRepositoryConnection());
2199         this.jTextFieldRepositoryUrl.setText(this.fModel.getRepositoryUrl());
2200         this.jTextFieldSiteAdress.setText(this.fModel.getSiteAdress());
2201         this.jTextFieldDistributionRepository.setText(
2202             this.fModel.getDistributionDirectory());
2203         this.jTextFieldSiteDirectory.setText(this.fModel.getSiteDirectory());
2204         this.jTextFieldIssueTrackingUrl.setText(
2205             this.fModel.getIssueTrackingUrl());
2206         this.jTextFieldAlternateProjectId.setText(
2207             this.fModel.getAlternateProjectId());
2208         this.jTextFieldParentProject.setText(this.fModel.getParentProject());
2209         //'jPanelNotes"'
2210         this.jTextAreaNotes.setText(this.fModel.getNotes());
2211         // Set 'jButtonOK' as the default button
2212         this.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(this.jButtonOK);
2213         //check if we enable import,create-db,insert-sql
2214         boolean b = false;
2215         if (fModel instanceof PhysicalModel)
2216         {
2217             b = true;
2218         }
2219         jButtonCreateDB.setEnabled(b);
2220         jButtonImport.setEnabled(b);
2221         jButtonInsertSQL.setEnabled(b);
2222         // Make the window visible
2224     }
2225     /***  Set the informations */
2226     public final void saveData()
2227     {
2228         //'jPanelGeneral'
2229         this.fModel.setName(this.jTextFieldName.getText());
2230         this.fModel.setId(this.jTextFieldId.getText());
2231         this.fModel.setGroupId(this.jTextFieldGroupId.getText());
2232         this.fModel.setCurrentVersion(this.jTextFieldCurrentVersion.getText());
2233         this.fModel.setShortDescription(
2234             this.jTextAreaShortDescription.getText());
2235         this.fModel.setDescription(this.jTextAreaDescription.getText());
2236         this.fModel.setProjectURL(this.jTextFieldProjectURL.getText());
2237         this.fModel.setLogo(this.jTextFieldProjectLogo.getText());
2238         this.fModel.setInceptionYear(this.jTextFieldInceptionYear.getText());
2239         this.fModel.setOrganizationName(
2240             this.jTextFieldOrganizationName.getText());
2241         this.fModel.setOrganizationLogo(
2242             this.jTextFieldOrganizationLogo.getText());
2243         this.fModel.setOrganizationUrl(
2244             this.jTextFieldOrganizationUrl.getText());
2245         this.fModel.setLocalDirectory(this.jTextFieldLocalDir.getText());
2246         //'jPanel Database'
2247         this.fModel.setDbType(this.jComboBoxDbType.getSelectedIndex());
2248         this.fModel.setDatabaseHost(this.jTextFieldHost.getText());
2249         this.fModel.setCreateDatabaseUrl(
2250             this.jTextFieldCreateDatabaseURL.getText());
2251         this.fModel.setBuildDatabaseUrl(
2252             this.jTextFieldBuildDatabaseURL.getText());
2253         this.fModel.setSchema(this.jTextSchema.getText());
2254         this.fModel.setBaseClass(this.jTextFieldBaseClass.getText());
2255         this.fModel.setDatabaseUser(this.jTextFieldUser.getText());
2256         this.fModel.setDatabasePassword(
2257             new String(this.jTextFieldPassword.getPassword()));
2258         this.fModel.setDatabaseDriver(this.jTextFieldDriver.getText());
2259         if (this.jComboBoxDefaultIdMethod.getSelectedItem() != null)
2260         {
2261             this.fModel.setDefaultIdMethod(
2262                 this.jComboBoxDefaultIdMethod.getSelectedItem().toString());
2263         }
2264         else
2265         {
2266             this.fModel.setDefaultIdMethod("native");
2267         }
2268         this.fModel.setHeavyIndexing(this.jCheckBoxHeavyIndexing.isSelected());
2269         this.fModel.setPackageName(this.jTextFieldPackageName.getText());
2270         this.fModel.setBaseClass(this.jTextFieldBaseClass.getText());
2271         this.fModel.setBasePeer(this.jTextFieldBasePeer.getText());
2272         if (jComboBoxDefaultJavaNamingMethod.getSelectedItem() != null)
2273         {
2274             this.fModel.setDefaultJavaNamingMethod(
2275                 this
2276                     .jComboBoxDefaultJavaNamingMethod
2277                     .getSelectedItem()
2278                     .toString());
2279         }
2280         if (this.jComboBoxDefaultJavaType.getSelectedItem() != null)
2281         {
2282             this.fModel.setDefaultJavaType(
2283                 this.jComboBoxDefaultJavaType.getSelectedItem().toString());
2284         }
2285         this.fModel.setDependencies(
2286             this.dependencyEdit.getModel().getDependencies());
2287         //'jPanelTeam'
2288         this.fModel.setDevelopers(
2289             this.developerEdit.getModel().getDevelopers());
2290         this.fModel.setMailingLists(
2291             this.mailingListEdit.getModel().getMailingLists());
2292         this.fModel.setContributors(
2293             this.contributorEdit.getModel().getContributors());
2294         //'jPanelBuild'
2295         this.fModel.setBuild(
2296             (Build) this.buildEdit.getModel().getBuilds().elementAt(0));
2297         this.fModel.getBuild().setResources(
2298             this.resourceEdit.getModel().getResources());
2299         this.fModel.getBuild().getUnitTest().setResources(
2300             this.unitTestEdit.getModel().getUnitTestRes());
2301         //'jPanelMaven'
2302         this.fModel.setLicenses(this.licenseEdit.getModel().getLicenses());
2303         this.fModel.setRepositoryConnection(
2304             this.jTextFieldRepositoryConnection.getText());
2305         this.fModel.setRepositoryUrl(this.jTextFieldRepositoryUrl.getText());
2306         this.fModel.setSiteAddress(this.jTextFieldSiteAdress.getText());
2307         this.fModel.setDistributionDirectory(
2308             this.jTextFieldDistributionRepository.getText());
2309         this.fModel.setSiteDirectory(this.jTextFieldSiteDirectory.getText());
2310         this.fModel.setIssueTrackingUrl(
2311             this.jTextFieldIssueTrackingUrl.getText());
2312         this.fModel.setAlternateProjectId(
2313             this.jTextFieldAlternateProjectId.getText());
2314         this.fModel.setParentProject(this.jTextFieldParentProject.getText());
2315         //'jPanelProperty'
2316         this.fModel.setProperties(this.propertyEdit.getModel().getProperties());
2317         //'jPanelNotes'
2318         this.fModel.setNotes(this.jTextAreaNotes.getText());
2319     }
2320 }