1 package org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.workspace.models;
21 import java.util.Vector;
22 import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
23 import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
24 import java.awt.Insets;
25 import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
26 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
27 import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
28 import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
29 import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
30 import javax.swing.JPanel;
31 import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
32 import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
33 import javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel;
34 import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader;
35 import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel;
36 import org.apache.maven.project.Build;
37 import org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.components.CustomTable;
38 /***
39 * This class provide the build panel of the Model Editor
40 * @author <a href="mailto:eflorent@devaki.org">Emmanuel Florent</a>
41 */
42 public class BuildEdit extends JPanel
43 {
44 /***
45 * Selected row in the jTable
46 */
47 private int selectedRow = 0;
48 /***
49 * The table for columns
50 * the project do not yet offer the ability of managing
51 * ( DefaultListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION )
52 * multiples build as maven do.
53 */
54 private CustomTable jTableBuilds =
55 new CustomTable(
56 false,
57 DefaultListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION,
58 false,
59 false);
60 /***
61 * The table model
62 */
63 private ObjectBuildTableModel model = new ObjectBuildTableModel();
64 /***
65 * Constructor
66 *
67 */
68 public BuildEdit()
69 {
70 super(new GridBagLayout());
72 this.jTableBuilds.setModel(this.model);
74 this.jTableBuilds.setTableHeader(
75 new ToolTipHeader(this.jTableBuilds.getColumnModel()));
77 this.setColumnsWidth();
79 this.add(
80 new JScrollPane(this.jTableBuilds),
81 new GridBagConstraints(
82 0,
83 0,
84 5,
85 1,
86 1.0,
87 1.0,
88 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
89 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
90 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
91 0,
92 0));
94 this.jTableBuilds.setModel(this.model);
96 this.jTableBuilds.setTableHeader(
97 new ToolTipHeader(this.jTableBuilds.getColumnModel()));
99 this.setColumnsWidth();
101 this.jTableBuilds.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
102 {
104 public final void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent e)
105 {
107 selectedRow = jTableBuilds.getSelectedRow();
109 }
110 });
112 this.jTableBuilds.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter()
113 {
115 public final void keyReleased(final KeyEvent e)
116 {
118 selectedRow = jTableBuilds.getSelectedRow();
120 }
121 });
122 this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Build"));
124 this.setColumnsWidth();
125 }
126 /***
127 * Unused: Cancel edition if 'DataDictionaryEdit' was
128 * edited in its previous call
129 */
130 public final void cancelCellEditing()
131 {
132 if (this.jTableBuilds.isEditing())
133 {
134 int tmpInt1 = this.jTableBuilds.getEditingRow();
135 int tmpInt2 = this.jTableBuilds.getEditingColumn();
136 this
137 .jTableBuilds
138 .getCellEditor(tmpInt1, tmpInt2)
139 .cancelCellEditing();
140 }
141 }
142 /***
143 * Reset 'jTableField' columns width
144 */
145 private void setColumnsWidth()
146 {
147 for (int i = 0; i < this.model.getColumnCount(); i++)
148 {
149 this.jTableBuilds.getColumnModel().getColumn(i).setPreferredWidth(
150 this.model.getColumnSize(i));
151 }
152 }
153 /***
154 * This class define a model to edit the object columns
155 */
156 public class ObjectBuildTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
157 {
158 /*** The data stored to be restored with cancel button */
159 private Vector oldData = new Vector();
160 /***
161 * The column name
162 */
163 private final String[] columnNames =
164 {
165 "nag email adress",
166 "source directory",
167 "unit test source directory",
168 "aspectSource directory" };
169 /***
170 * The column class/types
171 */
172 private final Class[] columnClasses =
173 { String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class };
174 /***
175 * The column size
176 */
177 private final int[] columnSizes = { 165, 165, 165, 160 };
178 /***
179 * The columns
180 */
181 private Vector builds = new Vector(1);
182 /***
183 * Return the data contained in the JTable
184 * @return colums
185 */
186 public final Vector getBuilds()
187 {
188 return builds;
189 }
190 /***
191 * Reset the TableModel to its old values
192 */
193 public final void resetBuilds()
194 {
195 cancelCellEditing();
196 this.builds = new Vector(oldData);
197 }
198 /***
199 * Set data in the JTable
200 * @param pData the columns
201 */
202 public final void setBuild(final Vector pData)
203 {
205 oldData.removeAllElements();
206 for (int i = 0; i < pData.size(); i++)
207 {
208 oldData.addElement(new Build());
209 }
211 this.builds = new Vector(pData);
212 }
213 /***
214 * Return the number of columns
215 * @return count
216 */
217 public final int getColumnCount()
218 {
219 return this.columnNames.length;
220 }
221 /***
222 * Return the number of lines
223 * @return the count of row, number of columns.
224 */
225 public final int getRowCount()
226 {
227 return 1;
228 }
229 /***
230 * Return the name of the column at the specified index
231 * @param i index
232 * @return column
233 */
234 public final String getColumnName(final int i)
235 {
236 return this.columnNames[i];
237 }
238 /***
239 * Return the class of the column at the specified index
240 * @param i index
241 * @return class
242 */
243 public final Class getColumnClass(final int i)
244 {
245 return this.columnClasses[i];
246 }
247 /***
248 * Return the size of the column at the specified index
249 * @param i index
250 * @return the size
251 */
252 public final int getColumnSize(final int i)
253 {
254 return this.columnSizes[i];
255 }
256 /***
257 * Return the value at the specified row and column
258 * @param row row index
259 * @param col column index
260 * @return the value
261 */
262 public final Object getValueAt(final int row, final int col)
263 {
264 Build newBuild = (Build) builds.elementAt(0);
265 switch (col)
266 {
267 case 0 :
268 return newBuild.getNagEmailAddress();
269 case 1 :
270 return newBuild.getSourceDirectory();
271 case 2 :
272 return newBuild.getUnitTestSourceDirectory();
273 case 3 :
274 return newBuild.getAspectSourceDirectory();
275 default :
276 return null;
277 }
278 }
279 /***
280 * Set the specified value at the specified row and column
281 * @param value value
282 * @param row row index
283 * @param col column index
284 */
285 public final void setValueAt(
286 final Object value,
287 final int row,
288 final int col)
289 {
290 Build newBuild = (Build) builds.elementAt(row);
291 switch (col)
292 {
293 case 0 :
294 newBuild.setNagEmailAddress(value.toString());
295 break;
296 case 1 :
297 newBuild.setSourceDirectory(value.toString());
298 break;
299 case 2 :
300 newBuild.setUnitTestSourceDirectory(value.toString());
301 break;
302 case 3 :
303 newBuild.setAspectSourceDirectory(value.toString());
304 break;
305 default :
306 break;
307 }
309 this.builds.setElementAt(newBuild, 0);
310 this.fireTableDataChanged();
312 jTableBuilds.setSelectedRow(0);
313 }
314 /***
315 * Return that every cell is editable
316 * @param row row index
317 * @param col column index
318 * @return is editable
319 */
320 public final boolean isCellEditable(final int row, final int col)
321 {
322 return row == 0;
323 }
324 }
325 /***
326 * Define the tooltips of the 'jTableField' header
327 */
328 private class ToolTipHeader extends JTableHeader
329 {
330 /***
331 * The tooltips
332 * This tooltips are caught from the maven docs.
333 * Thus it was at time of coding this constructor may be
334 * out of date as it was wrotten on the basis of Maven v. 1.0-rc1
335 */
336 private String[] toolTips =
337 {
338 " An address to which notifications regarding the status"
339 + " of builds for this project can be sent. This is"
340 + " intended for use by tools which do unattended"
341 + " builds, for example those providing for continuous"
342 + " integration. Currently this is used by the"
343 + " maven:gump-descriptor target.",
344 "This element specifies a directory containing the source"
345 + " of the project. The generated build system will"
346 + " compile the source in this directory when the project"
347 + " is built",
348 " This element specifies a directory containing the unit test"
349 + " source of the project. The generated build system will"
350 + " compile these directories when the project is being"
351 + " tested. The unit tests must use the JUnit framework",
352 " This element specifies a directory containing Aspect sources"
353 + " of the project. The generated build system will compile"
354 + " the Aspects in this directory when the project is built"
355 + " if Aspects have been enabled (see the Aspectj goals"
356 + " document)." };
357 /***
358 * Construct a new 'ToolTipHeader' object
359 * @param pModel the TableColumnModel
360 */
361 public ToolTipHeader(final TableColumnModel pModel)
362 {
363 super(pModel);
364 }
365 /***
366 * Return the tool tip depending on the mouse cursor position
367 * @param e the event
368 * @return the tooltip
369 */
370 public final String getToolTipText(final MouseEvent e)
371 {
372 int col = this.columnAtPoint(e.getPoint());
373 int modelCol = this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToModel(col);
374 return toolTips[modelCol];
375 }
376 }
377 /***
378 * Accessor to the ObjectBuildTableModel
379 * @return the ObjectBuildTableModel
380 */
381 public final ObjectBuildTableModel getModel()
382 {
383 return model;
384 }
385 /***
386 * Accessor to the ObjectBuildTableModel
387 * @param pModel the ObjectBuildTableModel
388 */
389 public final void setModel(final ObjectBuildTableModel pModel)
390 {
391 this.model = pModel;
392 }
393 }