15 package org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.graphics;
16 import java.io.Serializable;
17 import java.awt.Graphics;
18 import java.awt.Font;
19 import java.awt.Point;
20 import javax.swing.UIManager;
21 import java.awt.Polygon;
22 import org.devaki.nextobjects.util.NOGraphicsUtil;
23 import org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.objects.BaseLine;
24 import org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.objects.Constraint;
25 import org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.columns.Column;
26 /***
27 * Draw a Constraint in a PhysicalView of a PhysicalModel
28 *
29 * @author <a href="mailto:eflorent@devaki.org">Emmanuel Florent</a>
30 * @created December 22, 2003
31 */
32 public class ConstraintView extends LineView implements Serializable
33 {
34 /*** Arrowhead sharpness */
35 private double fTheta = Math.toRadians(20);
36 /*** Arrowhead length */
37 private final int fSize = 15;
38 /***
39 * Construct a new 'ConstraintView' object
40 *
41 * @param pConstraint the contextual <code>Constraint</code>
42 */
43 public ConstraintView(final Constraint pConstraint)
44 {
45 super(pConstraint);
46 selectionPoints[0] =
47 ((BaseLine) this.getBaseObject())
48 .getParentClass()
49 .getObjectView()
50 .getSelectionPoint(0);
51 selectionPoints[1] =
52 ((BaseLine) this.getBaseObject())
53 .getChildClass()
54 .getObjectView()
55 .getSelectionPoint(0);
56 computeBestPoints();
57 }
58 /***
59 * Paint
60 *
61 * @param g the graphics context
62 */
63 public final void paint(final Graphics g)
64 {
65 Point p0 =
66 ((PhysicalView) myObject.getMyModel().getPanel())
67 .getRectangle()
68 .getLocation();
69 Point p1 = selectionPoints[1].getPoint();
70 p1.translate(-p0.x, -p0.y);
71 Point p2 = selectionPoints[0].getPoint();
72 p2.translate(-p0.x, -p0.y);
73 int x1 = (int) p1.getX();
74 int y1 = (int) p1.getY();
75 int x2 = (int) p2.getX();
76 int y2 = (int) p2.getY();
78 g.setColor(this.myStyle.getLineColor());
79 if (!((Constraint) this.getBaseObject()).isSelfRef())
80 {
81 g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
82 }
83 else
84 {
85 Point p = getCtrlPoint(p2);
86 g.drawLine(x1, y1, p.x, p.y);
87 g.drawLine(x2, y2, p.x, p.y);
89 x1 = p.x;
90 y1 = p.y;
91 }
92 g.setFont(
93 new Font(
94 ((Font) UIManager.get("Label.font")).getName(),
95 Font.BOLD,
96 ((Font) UIManager.get("Label.font")).getSize()));
98 double angle = Math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) + Math.PI;
99 int x3 = (int) (x1 + Math.cos(angle - fTheta) * fSize);
100 int y3 = (int) (y1 + Math.sin(angle - fTheta) * fSize);
101 if (((Column) ((Constraint) this.myObject)
102 .getLocalColumns()
103 .iterator()
104 .next())
105 .isRequired())
106 {
107 g.drawString("1", x3, y3);
108 }
109 else
110 {
111 g.drawString("0 ... 1", x3, y3);
112 }
113 angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) + Math.PI;
114 int x4 = (int) (x2 + Math.cos(angle - fTheta) * fSize);
115 int y4 = (int) (y2 + Math.sin(angle - fTheta) * fSize);
116 x3 = (int) (x2 + Math.cos(angle + fTheta) * fSize);
117 y3 = (int) (y2 + Math.sin(angle + fTheta) * fSize);
118 g.drawLine(x3, y3, x2, y2);
119 g.drawLine(x4, y4, x2, y2);
120 x3 = (int) (x2 + Math.cos(angle + fTheta) * fSize * 1.1);
121 y3 = (int) (y2 + Math.sin(angle + fTheta) * fSize * 1.1);
122 g.drawString("*", x3, y3);
123 }
124 /***
125 * Gets the ctrlPoint attribute of the ConstraintView object
126 *
127 * @param p Description of the Parameter
128 * @return The ctrlPoint value
129 */
130 public final Point getCtrlPoint(final Point p)
131 {
132 int x = p.x;
133 int y = p.y;
134 int location = SelectionPoint.NORTH;
135 SelectionPoint[] pArray =
136 ((Constraint) myObject)
137 .getParentClass()
138 .getObjectView()
139 .getSelectionPoints();
140 for (int i = 0; i < pArray.length; i++)
141 {
142 if (pArray[i].getPoint().x == selectionPoints[0].getPoint().x
143 && pArray[i].getPoint().y == selectionPoints[0].getPoint().y)
144 {
145 location = i;
146 }
147 }
148 int r = 30;
149 switch (location)
150 {
151 case 2 :
153 x = x - r;
154 y = y - r;
155 break;
156 case 6 :
158 x = x - r;
159 break;
160 case 0 :
162 x = x - r;
163 y = y + r;
164 break;
165 case 5 :
167 x = x + r;
168 y = y + r;
169 break;
170 case 1 :
173 x = x + r;
174 y = y + r;
175 break;
176 case 7 :
178 x = x + r;
179 break;
180 case 3 :
182 y = y - r;
183 y = y - r;
184 break;
185 case 4 :
187 default :
188 x = x - r;
189 y = y - r;
190 break;
191 }
192 return new Point(x, y);
193 }
194 /*** Reset the selection point. */
195 public void resetSelectionPoint()
196 {
197 }
198 /***
199 * Return the surface on which the user can click to select the object
200 *
201 * @return the surface as polygon/shape
202 */
203 public final Polygon getSurface()
204 {
205 int delta = 30;
206 Point ctrlPoint =
207 NOGraphicsUtil.getMiddle(
208 selectionPoints[0].getPoint(),
209 selectionPoints[1].getPoint());
211 if (((Constraint) this.getBaseObject()).isSelfRef())
212 {
213 ctrlPoint = getCtrlPoint(selectionPoints[0].getPoint());
214 }
215 int tmpX1 = (int) ctrlPoint.getX();
216 int tmpY1 = (int) ctrlPoint.getY();
217 int[] xi = {
220 (int) selectionPoints[0].getPoint().x - 5,
221 tmpX1 - delta,
222 (int) selectionPoints[1].getPoint().x + 5,
223 tmpX1 + delta,
224 selectionPoints[0].getPoint().x - 5 };
225 int[] yi =
226 {
227 selectionPoints[0].getPoint().y,
228 tmpY1 - delta,
229 selectionPoints[1].getPoint().y,
230 tmpY1 + delta,
231 selectionPoints[1].getPoint().y };
232 return new Polygon(xi, yi, 4);
233 }
234 }