View Javadoc

1   package org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.workspace.models.objects;
2   /*
4   nextobjects Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Emmanuel Florent
6   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
8   Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
9   option) any later version.
11  This program is distributed in the hope that it will
12  be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
14  PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
16  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
18  Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
20  */
21  import java.util.Vector;
22  import java.awt.Component;
23  import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
24  import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
25  import java.awt.Insets;
26  import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
27  import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
28  import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
29  import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
30  import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
31  import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
32  import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
33  import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor;
34  import javax.swing.JButton;
35  import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
36  import javax.swing.JPanel;
37  import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
38  import javax.swing.JTable;
39  import javax.swing.JTextField;
40  import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
41  import javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel;
42  import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader;
43  import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
44  import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel;
45  import org.devaki.nextobjects.constants.CstImages;
46  import org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.components.CustomButton;
47  import org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.components.CustomComboBox;
48  import org.devaki.nextobjects.ui.components.CustomTable;
49  import org.devaki.nextobjects.util.NOPreferences;
50  import org.devaki.nextobjects.util.ModelMan;
51  import org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.objects.BaseClass;
52  import org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.columns.Column;
53  import org.devaki.nextobjects.workspace.models.columns.ColumnType;
54  /***
55   * Provide a jtable representing columns and the ability to edit them
56   *
57   * @author <a href="">Emmanuel Florent</a>
58   */
59  public class DataDictionaryEdit extends JPanel
60  {
61      /***
62       * Selected row in the jTable
63       */
64      private int selectedRow = -1;
65      /***
66       * The combobox initialized with the torque's types
67       */
68      private CustomComboBox jComboBoxType =
69          new CustomComboBox(NOPreferences.TORQUE_TYPES, -1, "", true);
70      /***
71       * The combobox for javanaming method
72       */
73      private CustomComboBox jComboBoxColumnJavaNamingMethod;
74      /***
75       * the combobox for inheritance
76       */
77      private CustomComboBox jComboBoxInheritance;
78      /***
79       * The combobox for java type
80       */
81      private CustomComboBox jComboBoxJavaType;
82      /***
83       * The previous (UP) button
84       */
85      private CustomButton jButtonPrevious =
86          new CustomButton(CstImages.ICN_UP, "Move the selected field up", true);
87      /***
88       * The next (DOWN) button
89       */
90      private CustomButton jButtonNext =
91          new CustomButton(
92              CstImages.ICN_DOWN,
93              "Move the selected field down",
94              true);
95      /***
96       * The remove button
97       */
98      private CustomButton jButtonRemove =
99          new CustomButton("Remove", "Remove the selected field", true, false);
100     /***
101      * The new button
102      */
103     private CustomButton jButtonNew =
104         new CustomButton("New", "Create a new field", true, false);
105     /***
106      * The table for columns
107      */
108     private CustomTable jTableColumns =
109         new CustomTable(
110             false,
111             DefaultListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION,
112             false,
113             false);
114     /***
115      * The table model
116      */
117     private ObjectColumnsTableModel model = new ObjectColumnsTableModel();
118     /***
119      * Constructor
120      *
121      */
122     public DataDictionaryEdit()
123     {
124         super(new GridBagLayout());
125         String[] temp2 = { "nochange", "underscore", "javaname" };
126         this.jComboBoxColumnJavaNamingMethod =
127             new CustomComboBox(temp2, -1, "", true);
128         // Create an array of Strings and initialize the Inheritance combo box
129         String[] temp4 = { "single", "false" };
130         this.jComboBoxInheritance = new CustomComboBox(temp4, -1, "", true);
131         // Create an array of Strings and initialize the Java Type combo box
132         String[] temp3 = { "object", "primitive" };
133         this.jComboBoxJavaType = new CustomComboBox(temp3, -1, "", true);
134         // TABLES
135         // Define table model
136         this.jTableColumns.setModel(this.model);
137         // Define the cell editor and the cell renderer for the Code column
138         this.jTableColumns.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).setCellEditor(
139             new CodeEditor(new CodeRenderer()));
140         this.jTableColumns.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).setCellRenderer(
141             new CodeRenderer());
142         // Define the cell editor for the Type column
143         this.jTableColumns.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).setCellEditor(
144             new DefaultCellEditor(this.jComboBoxType));
145         // Define the cell editor for the Java Naming Method column
146         this.jTableColumns.getColumnModel().getColumn(11).setCellEditor(
147             new DefaultCellEditor(this.jComboBoxColumnJavaNamingMethod));
148         // Define the cell editor for the Java Type column
149         this.jTableColumns.getColumnModel().getColumn(12).setCellEditor(
150             new DefaultCellEditor(this.jComboBoxJavaType));
151         // Define the cell editor for the Inheritance column
152         this.jTableColumns.getColumnModel().getColumn(13).setCellEditor(
153             new DefaultCellEditor(this.jComboBoxInheritance));
154         // Set tool tips for the table header
155         this.jTableColumns.setTableHeader(
156             new ToolTipHeader(this.jTableColumns.getColumnModel()));
157         // Fix columns width
158         this.setColumnsWidth();
159         this.jComboBoxType.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
160         {
161             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
162             {
163                 if (jTableColumns.getSelectedRow() >= 0)
164                 {
165                     String size =
166                         ((Column) model
167                             .getColumns()
168                             .elementAt(jTableColumns.getSelectedRow()))
169                             .getType()
170                             .getDefaultSize();
171                     size =
172                         ((ColumnType) jComboBoxType.getSelectedItem())
173                             .getDefaultSize();
174                     (
175                         (Column) model.getColumns().elementAt(
176                             jTableColumns.getSelectedRow())).setSize(
177                         size);
178                 }
179             }
180         });
181         // 'jPanelGeneralFields'
182         this.add(
183             new JScrollPane(this.jTableColumns),
184             new GridBagConstraints(
185                 0,
186                 0,
187                 5,
188                 1,
189                 1.0,
190                 1.0,
191                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
192                 GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
193                 new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5),
194                 0,
195                 0));
196         this.add(
197             this.jButtonNew,
198             new GridBagConstraints(
199                 0,
200                 1,
201                 1,
202                 1,
203                 0.0,
204                 0.0,
205                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
206                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
207                 new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5),
208                 0,
209                 0));
210         this.add(
211             this.jButtonRemove,
212             new GridBagConstraints(
213                 1,
214                 1,
215                 1,
216                 1,
217                 0.0,
218                 0.0,
219                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
220                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
221                 new Insets(5, 0, 5, 5),
222                 0,
223                 0));
224         this.add(
225             this.jButtonPrevious,
226             new GridBagConstraints(
227                 2,
228                 1,
229                 1,
230                 1,
231                 1.0,
232                 0.0,
233                 GridBagConstraints.EAST,
234                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
235                 new Insets(5, 0, 5, 5),
236                 0,
237                 0));
238         this.add(
239             this.jButtonNext,
240             new GridBagConstraints(
241                 3,
242                 1,
243                 1,
244                 1,
245                 0.0,
246                 0.0,
247                 GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
248                 GridBagConstraints.NONE,
249                 new Insets(5, 0, 5, 5),
250                 0,
251                 0));
252         // Fix columns width
253         //this.setColumnsWidth();
254         this.jButtonPrevious.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
255         {
256             // When calling 'jButtonPrevious', invert the current field with the
257             // previous field in 'jTableField'
258             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
259             {
260                 // It can be done, only if the current field is not the first in
261                 // 'jTableField'
262                 if (selectedRow > 0)
263                 {
264                     model.insertField(
265                         (Column) model.getColumns().elementAt(selectedRow - 1),
266                         selectedRow + 1);
267                     model.removeField(selectedRow - 1);
268                     jTableColumns.setSelectedRow(--selectedRow);
269                 }
270             }
271         });
272         this.jButtonNext.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
273         {
274             // When calling 'jButtonNext', invert the current field
275             // with the next field in 'jTableField'
276             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
277             {
278                 // It can be done, only if the current field is not the last in
279                 // 'jTableField' and that it is different from -1
280                 if ((selectedRow > -1)
281                     && (selectedRow < (jTableColumns.getRowCount() - 1)))
282                 {
283                     model.insertField(
284                         (Column) model.getColumns().elementAt(selectedRow),
285                         selectedRow + 2);
286                     model.removeField(selectedRow);
287                     jTableColumns.setSelectedRow(++selectedRow);
288                 }
289             }
290         });
291         this.jButtonRemove.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
292         {
293             // When calling 'jButtonRemove', remove the current field
294             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
295             {
296                 model.removeField(selectedRow);
297                 // If the removed field was in first position and that there
298                 //is always fields, set 'selectedRow' to zero
299                 if ((jTableColumns.getRowCount() > 0) && (selectedRow == 0))
300                 {
301                     jTableColumns.setSelectedRow(0);
302                 }
303                 // Else decrement 'selectedRow' and apply it to 'jTableField'
304                 else
305                 {
306                     jTableColumns.setSelectedRow(--selectedRow);
307                 }
308                 // FIX : Reset the columns width due to an unknow resize call
309                 //setColumnsWidth();
310                 // Disable 'jButtonRemove' if there is no selected row
311                 if (selectedRow == -1)
312                 {
313                     jButtonRemove.setEnabled(false);
314                 }
315             }
316         });
317         this.jButtonNew.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
318         {
319             // When calling 'jButtonNew', add a field
320             public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
321             {
322                 // Create a new 'Column' object
323                 Column tmpColumn =
324                     new Column(
325                         new StringBuffer()
326                             .append("Item ")
327                             .append(jTableColumns.getRowCount())
328                             .toString(),
329                         new StringBuffer()
330                             .append("item_")
331                             .append(jTableColumns.getRowCount())
332                             .toString(),
333                         (ColumnType) NOPreferences.TORQUE_TYPES.firstElement(),
334                         ((ColumnType) NOPreferences
335                             .TORQUE_TYPES
336                             .firstElement())
337                             .getDefaultSize(),
338                         "",
339                         false,
340                         false,
341                         false,
342                         false,
343                         false,
344                         "",
345                         "",
346                         "",
347                         "",
348                         "",
349                         "",
350                         (BaseClass) ModelMan.getCurrentObject());
351                 //FIX: define the cell editor & the cell renderer for the code
352                 //column if the table was empty before inserting this new column
353                 if (jTableColumns.getRowCount() == 0)
354                 {
355                     jTableColumns.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).setCellEditor(
356                         new CodeEditor(new CodeRenderer()));
357                     jTableColumns.getColumnModel().getColumn(
358                         1).setCellRenderer(
359                         new CodeRenderer());
360                 }
361                 // Add it to 'jTableField'
362                 model.addColumn(tmpColumn);
363                 // Update 'selectedRow'
364                 selectedRow = jTableColumns.getRowCount() - 1;
365                 // Set the selected field in 'jTableField'
366                 jTableColumns.setSelectedRow(selectedRow);
367                 // Enable 'jButtonRemove'
368                 jButtonRemove.setEnabled(true);
369             }
370         });
371         // MOUSE
372         this.jTableColumns.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
373         {
374             // When clicking on 'jTableField'...
375             public final void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent e)
376             {
377                 // Set 'selectedRow'
378                 selectedRow = jTableColumns.getSelectedRow();
379                 // Enable 'jButtonRemove'
380                 jButtonRemove.setEnabled(true);
381             }
382         });
383         // KEY
384         this.jTableColumns.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter()
385         {
386             // When selecting a row of 'jTableField' using the keyboard...
387             public final void keyReleased(final KeyEvent e)
388             {
389                 // Set 'selectedRow'
390                 selectedRow = jTableColumns.getSelectedRow();
391                 // Enable 'jButtonRemove'
392                 jButtonRemove.setEnabled(true);
393             }
394         });
395         this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Columns"));
396     }
397     /***
398      * Unused: Cancel edition if 'DataDictionaryEdit' was
399      * edited in its previous call
400      */
401     public final void cancelCellEditing()
402     {
403         if (this.jTableColumns.isEditing())
404         {
405             int tmpInt1 = this.jTableColumns.getEditingRow();
406             int tmpInt2 = this.jTableColumns.getEditingColumn();
407             this
408                 .jTableColumns
409                 .getCellEditor(tmpInt1, tmpInt2)
410                 .cancelCellEditing();
411         }
412     }
413     /***
414      * Reset 'jTableField' columns width
415      */
416     private void setColumnsWidth()
417     {
418         for (int i = 0; i < this.model.getColumnCount(); i++)
419         {
420             this.jTableColumns.getColumnModel().getColumn(i).setPreferredWidth(
421                 this.model.getColumnSize(i));
422         }
423     }
424     /***
425      * set the object column table model
426      * @param pModel the object column table model
427      */
428     protected final void setModel(final ObjectColumnsTableModel pModel)
429     {
430         this.model = pModel;
431     }
432     /***
433      * get the object column table model
434      * @return the object column table model
435      */
436     protected final ObjectColumnsTableModel getModel()
437     {
438         return model;
439     }
440     /***
441      * This class define a model to edit the object columns
442      */
443     public class ObjectColumnsTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
444     {
445         /*** The data stored to be restored with cancel button */
446         private Vector oldData = new Vector();
447         /***
448          * The column name
449          */
450         private final String[] columnNames =
451             { "Name", "Code", "Type", "Size", "P", // primary key
452             "R", // required
453             "A", // auto increment
454             "U", // unique
455             "I", // index
456             "Default",
457                 "Java Naming Method",
458                 "Java Name",
459                 "Java Type",
460                 "Inheritance",
461                 "Input Validator",
462                 "Description" };
463         /***
464          * The column class/types
465          */
466         private final Class[] columnClasses =
467             {
468                 String.class,
469                 String.class,
470                 String.class,
471                 String.class,
472                 Boolean.class,
473                 Boolean.class,
474                 Boolean.class,
475                 Boolean.class,
476                 Boolean.class,
477                 String.class,
478                 String.class,
479                 String.class,
480                 String.class,
481                 String.class,
482                 String.class,
483                 String.class };
484         /***
485          * The column size
486          */
487         private final int[] columnSizes =
488             {
489                 110,
490                 110,
491                 110,
492                 40,
493                 25,
494                 25,
495                 25,
496                 25,
497                 25,
498                 110,
499                 150,
500                 110,
501                 110,
502                 110,
503                 120,
504                 110 };
505         /***
506          * The columns
507          */
508         private Vector columns;
509         /***
510          * Return the data contained in the JTable
511          * @return colums
512          */
513         public final Vector getColumns()
514         {
515             return this.columns;
516         }
517         /***
518          * Reset the TableModel to its old values
519          */
520         public final void resetColumns()
521         {
522             cancelCellEditing();
523             this.columns = new Vector(oldData);
524         }
525         /***
526          * Set data in the JTable
527          * @param pData the columns
528          */
529         public final void setColumns(final Vector pData)
530         {
531             // store the old data and fix unique, indexes
532             oldData.removeAllElements();
533             for (int i = 0; i < pData.size(); i++)
534             {
535                 Column oldCol = (Column) pData.elementAt(i);
536                 Column newCol = new Column(oldCol);
537                 oldData.addElement(newCol);
538             }
539             //fix the new data.
540             this.columns = new Vector(pData);
541         }
542         /***
543          * Add a field
544          * @param pColumn the column
545          */
546         public final void addColumn(final Column pColumn)
547         {
548             this.columns.addElement(pColumn);
549             this.fireTableRowsInserted(
550                 this.columns.size() - 1,
551                 this.columns.size() - 1);
552         }
553         /***
554          * Add a field at a particular index
555          * @param pColumn the column
556          * @param i index
557          */
558         public final void insertField(final Column pColumn, final int i)
559         {
560             this.columns.insertElementAt(pColumn, i);
561             this.fireTableRowsInserted(
562                 this.columns.size() - 1,
563                 this.columns.size() - 1);
564         }
565         /***
566          * Remove a field at a particular index
567          * @param i index
568          */
569         public final void removeField(final int i)
570         {
571             if (i >= 0 && i < columns.size())
572             {
573                 this.columns.removeElementAt(i);
574                 this.fireTableRowsDeleted(
575                     this.columns.size() - 1,
576                     this.columns.size() - 1);
577             }
578         }
579         /***
580          * Return the number of columns
581          * @return count
582          */
583         public final int getColumnCount()
584         {
585             return this.columnNames.length;
586         }
587         /***
588          * Return the number of lines
589          * @return the count of row, number of columns.
590          */
591         public final int getRowCount()
592         {
593             return this.columns.size();
594         }
595         /***
596          * Return the name of the column at the specified index
597          * @param i index
598          * @return column
599          */
600         public final String getColumnName(final int i)
601         {
602             return this.columnNames[i];
603         }
604         /***
605          * Return the class of the column at the specified index
606          * @param i index
607          * @return class
608          */
609         public final Class getColumnClass(final int i)
610         {
611             return this.columnClasses[i];
612         }
613         /***
614          * Return the size of the column at the specified index
615          * @param i index
616          * @return the size
617          */
618         public final int getColumnSize(final int i)
619         {
620             return this.columnSizes[i];
621         }
622         /***
623          * Return the value at the specified row and column
624          * @param row row index
625          * @param col column index
626          * @return the value
627          */
628         public final Object getValueAt(final int row, final int col)
629         {
630             Column newField = (Column) columns.elementAt(row);
631             switch (col)
632             {
633                 case 0 :
634                     return newField.getName();
635                 case 1 :
636                     return newField.getCode();
637                 case 2 :
638                     return newField.getType();
639                 case 3 :
640                     return newField.getSize();
641                 case 4 :
642                     return new Boolean(newField.isPk());
643                 case 5 :
644                     return new Boolean(newField.isRequired());
645                 case 6 :
646                     return new Boolean(newField.isAutoIncrement());
647                 case 7 :
648                     return new Boolean(newField.isUnique());
649                 case 8 :
650                     return new Boolean(newField.isIndex());
651                 case 9 :
652                     return newField.getDefaultValue();
653                 case 10 :
654                     return newField.getJavaNamingMethod();
655                 case 11 :
656                     return newField.getJavaName();
657                 case 12 :
658                     return newField.getJavaType();
659                 case 13 :
660                     return newField.getInheritance();
661                 case 14 :
662                     return newField.getInputValidator();
663                 case 15 :
664                     return newField.getDescription();
665                 default :
666                     return null;
667             }
668         }
669         /***
670          * Set the specified value at the specified row and column
671          * @param value value
672          * @param row row index
673          * @param col column index
674          */
675         public final void setValueAt(
676             final Object value,
677             final int row,
678             final int col)
679         {
680             Column newField = (Column) columns.elementAt(row);
681             switch (col)
682             {
683                 case 0 :
684                     if (value.toString().length() != 0)
685                     {
686                         newField.setName(value.toString());
687                     }
688                     break;
689                 case 1 :
690                     if (value.toString().length() != 0)
691                     {
692                         newField.setCode(value.toString());
693                     }
694                     break;
695                 case 2 :
696                     newField.setType((ColumnType) value);
697                     break;
698                 case 3 :
699                     newField.setSize(value.toString());
700                     break;
701                 case 4 :
702                     if ((new Boolean(value.toString())).booleanValue())
703                     {
704                         newField.setPrimaryKey(true);
705                         newField.setRequired(true);
706                         newField.setUnique(false);
707                         newField.setIndex(false);
708                     }
709                     else
710                     {
711                         newField.setPrimaryKey(false);
712                     }
713                     break;
714                 case 5 :
715                     newField.setRequired(
716                         (new Boolean(value.toString())).booleanValue());
717                     break;
718                 case 6 :
719                     newField.setAutoIncrement(
720                         (new Boolean(value.toString())).booleanValue());
721                     break;
722                 case 7 :
723                     if ((new Boolean(value.toString())).booleanValue())
724                     {
725                         newField.setUnique(true);
726                         newField.setPrimaryKey(false);
727                     }
728                     else
729                     {
730                         newField.setUnique(false);
731                     }
732                     break;
733                 case 8 :
734                     if ((new Boolean(value.toString())).booleanValue())
735                     {
736                         newField.setIndex(true);
737                         newField.setPrimaryKey(false);
738                     }
739                     else
740                     {
741                         newField.setIndex(false);
742                     }
743                     break;
744                 case 9 :
745                     newField.setDefaultValue(value.toString());
746                     break;
747                 case 10 :
748                     newField.setJavaNamingMethod(value.toString());
749                     break;
750                 case 11 :
751                     newField.setJavaName(value.toString());
752                     break;
753                 case 12 :
754                     newField.setJavaType(value.toString());
755                     break;
756                 case 13 :
757                     newField.setInheritance(value.toString());
758                     break;
759                 case 14 :
760                     newField.setInputValidator(value.toString());
761                     break;
762                 case 15 :
763                     newField.setDescription(value.toString());
764                     break;
765             }
766             // Replace the previous element
767             this.columns.setElementAt(newField, row);
768             this.fireTableDataChanged();
769             // Set the selected row for the jTableField
770             jTableColumns.setSelectedRow(row);
771         }
772         /***
773          * Return that every cell is editable
774          * @param row row index
775          * @param col column index
776          * @return is editable
777          */
778         public final boolean isCellEditable(final int row, final int col)
779         {
780             return true;
781         }
782     } // End of class 'EntityFieldTableModel'
783     /***
784      * Define the tooltips of the 'jTableField' header
785      */
786     private class ToolTipHeader extends JTableHeader
787     {
788         /***
789          * The tooltips
790          */
791         private String[] toolTips =
792             {
793                 "Name of the field",
794                 "Code of the field",
795                 "Type of field",
796                 "Type size",
797                 "Is primary key ?",
798                 "Is required ?",
799                 "Is auto-incrementation on ?",
800                 "Is unique ?",
801                 "Is to be indexed ?",
802                 "Default value",
803                 "How to convert to the Java class name ?",
804                 "Name in Java",
805                 "Type used in Java",
806                 " - - ",
807                 " - - ",
808                 "Description of the column" };
809         /***
810         * Construct a new 'ToolTipHeader' object
811         * @param pModel the TableColumnModel
812         */
813         public ToolTipHeader(final TableColumnModel pModel)
814         {
815             super(pModel);
816         }
817         /***
818          * Return the tool tip depending on the mouse cursor position
819          * @param e the event
820          * @return the tooltip
821          */
822         public final String getToolTipText(final MouseEvent e)
823         {
824             int col = this.columnAtPoint(e.getPoint());
825             int modelCol = this.getTable().convertColumnIndexToModel(col);
826             return toolTips[modelCol];
827         }
828     }
829     /***
830      * Define a cell renderer for the Code column
831      * It is composed of a textfield and a button
832      * Clicking ion the button set a default textfield
833      * from the <code>name</code> textfield
834      */
835     private class CodeRenderer extends JPanel implements TableCellRenderer
836     {
837         /***
838          * The equal button
839          */
840         private CustomButton jButtonEqual =
841             new CustomButton("=", "Automatic field code", true, true);
842         /***
843          * The code text field
844          */
845         private JTextField jTextFieldCode = new JTextField("");
846         /***
847          * Construct a new 'CodeRenderer' object
848          */
849         public CodeRenderer()
850         {
851             super(new GridBagLayout());
852             // Set no border
853             this.jTextFieldCode.setBorder(null);
854             /*** Assembling components **/
855             this.add(
856                 jButtonEqual,
857                 new GridBagConstraints(
858                     0,
859                     0,
860                     1,
861                     1,
862                     0.0,
863                     0.0,
864                     GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
865                     GridBagConstraints.NONE,
866                     new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0),
867                     0,
868                     0));
869             this.add(
870                 jTextFieldCode,
871                 new GridBagConstraints(
872                     1,
873                     0,
874                     1,
875                     1,
876                     1.0,
877                     0.0,
878                     GridBagConstraints.CENTER,
879                     GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL,
880                     new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0),
881                     0,
882                     0));
883         }
884         /***
885          * Return 'this' as the component to render the cell
886          * @param table table
887          * @param value value
888          * @param isSelected is selected
889          * @param hasFocus has focus
890          * @param rowIndex row index
891          * @param vColIndex column index
892          * @return the component
893          */
894         public final Component getTableCellRendererComponent(
895             final JTable table,
896             final Object value,
897             final boolean isSelected,
898             final boolean hasFocus,
899             final int rowIndex,
900             final int vColIndex)
901         {
902             this.jTextFieldCode.setText(value.toString());
903             return this;
904         }
905         /***
906          *  get the text of the textfield
907          * @return the text
908          */
909         public final String getText()
910         {
911             return this.jTextFieldCode.getText();
912         }
913         /***
914          * set the text
915          * @param text the text
916          */
917         public final void setText(final String text)
918         {
919             this.jTextFieldCode.setText(text);
920         }
921         /***
922          * get the button =
923          * @return the button
924          */
925         public final JButton getButton()
926         {
927             return this.jButtonEqual;
928         }
929     } // End of class 'CodeRenderer'
930     /***
931      *
932      * <p>Title: CodeEditor</p>
933      * <p>Description: Define a cell editor for the Code column</p>
934      */
935     private class CodeEditor extends DefaultCellEditor
936     {
937         /***
938          * Construct a new 'CodeEditor' object
939          * @param pCodeRenderer the code renderer
940          */
941         public CodeEditor(final CodeRenderer pCodeRenderer)
942         {
943             super(new JCheckBox());
944             // Set 'pCodeRenderer' the editing component
945             this.editorComponent = pCodeRenderer;
946             // Define that one click allow to start edition
947             this.setClickCountToStart(1);
948             // What to do when clicking on the button of the editor component
949             pCodeRenderer.getButton().addActionListener(new ActionListener()
950             {
951                 public final void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
952                 {
953                     // Format the text from the Name column on the same line
954                     pCodeRenderer.setText(
955                         jTableColumns
956                             .getModel()
957                             .getValueAt(jTableColumns.getSelectedRow(), 0)
958                             .toString()
959                             .replace(' ', '_'));
960                     stopCellEditing();
961                 }
962             });
963         }
964         /***
965          * Return the value of the editor component
966          * @return the value
967          */
968         public final Object getCellEditorValue()
969         {
970             return ((CodeRenderer) this.editorComponent).getText();
971         }
972         /***
973          * Return the cell editor component
974          * @param table table
975          * @param value value
976          * @param isSelected is selected
977          * @param row row
978          * @param column column
979          * @return the component
980          */
981         public final Component getTableCellEditorComponent(
982             final JTable table,
983             final Object value,
984             final boolean isSelected,
985             final int row,
986             final int column)
987         {
988             ((CodeRenderer) this.editorComponent).setText(value.toString());
989             return this.editorComponent;
990         }
991     } // End of class 'CodeEditor'
992 }